
The Road to Jerusalem: The Final Week

John 12:9–19 (ESV)

Passover commemorates the final plague upon Egypt which led to the Israelites’ freedom.

The Passover was the day to celebrate deliverance.

Sunday, the first day of the week, was about to be transformed into a day of celebration for believers.

Matthew 21:1–11 (ESV)

Jesus came to bring peace.

Mark 11:15–19 (ESV)

Jesus was not only cleansing the Temple; He was getting into the pockets of the powerful.

Our commitments are only as good as our actions.

All we have belongs to Jesus. We are simply stewards.

Matthew 22:15–40 (ESV)

The law required that the priest examine the lamb before the sacrifice to ensure that it was perfect. They put Jesus to the test and He was spotless.

Matthew 22:41–46 (ESV)

Revelation 22:16 (ESV)

Matthew 26:14–16 (ESV)

There was no servant there that night to wash their feet. The seating would suggest that the task would fall to Peter.

Jesus picks up the basin and sets an example for mankind.

Jesus washes the feet of the disciples and he starts with Judas.


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