
Uncomfortable Truths

Matthew 6:25–34 (NIV84)

In the face of uncomfortable truths, we are to keep our eyes on Jesus.

Matthew 6:33-34

Do you want the fullness of God’s favor and protection?

Seeking requires effort.

Seek His Kingdom to know the right way.

Seek His righteousness. This means you start doing it.

What is the best way to learn about His Kingdom and start doing what is right?

Matthew 6:25–34 (NIV84)

The two simplest ways to begin.

1. Be faithful to God’s house.

Proverbs 4:5–9 (NIV84)

Coming to church shouldn’t be seen as a duty to be fulfilled.

Coming to church should be seen as a way of seeking!

2. Know The Word.

Proverbs 8:32–36 (NIV84)

Grace is free: favor is earned.
When you live by The Word you find favor.

Matthew 7:13–14 (NIV84)


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