
WHAT WE BELIEVE - The Fall of Man

“Man was created good and upright, for God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” However, man by voluntary transgression fell and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God.”

The Origin of Humankind

Psalms 8:3-8

Humankind is unique.

  • The perspective of the psalmist with regard to humans is from above, from their relationship to heaven.
  • Humans are a little lower than the angels.
  • God created humankind to rule over His creation.

Genesis 2:7

  • God fashioned humans from the earth.
  • God breathed His breath into them.


The Nature of Humankind

Humans consist of both material and immaterial parts.
1 Thessalonians 5:23

Body (material)

  1. Our world-conscious aspect
  2. Our bodily appetites
  3. The habitation of the Holy Spirit
  4. Will someday be resurrected as incorruptible and glorified.

- Soul (immaterial)

  1. The self
  2. Our intellect, emotions, and will.
  3. They give internal awareness of self and govern the total personality.


Spirit (immaterial)

  1. God is spirit.John 4:24
  2. Humans are not spirit; the human spirit is within oneself.1 Corinthians 2:11
  3. Our spirit is that aspect that bears relationship to the unseen spiritual world.
  4. Our spirit is the capability within us that is God-conscious.

    Ephesians 2:1-5

  5. The unregenerated person has a body and soul, but is dead with respect to God.
  6. When the Holy Spirit quickens us, He brings new life to our spirits.


The Image of God
Genesis 1:26-27

  • The term image implies there is something like God about us.
  • Likeness implies we resemble Him.
  • The natural image endows us with a set of characteristics that is not found in animals.
  • The moral image relates to the rightness and wrongness of the use of our powers.


God has a purpose for humankind




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