
Bible: YouVersion
Sermon Outline

Peace - Presence of the Desirable

Absence of the undesirable

Presence of the desirable

Reconciliation (v16)
Citizenship (v19)
Dwelling place (v22)

How to have it - Romans 5
Faith in Jesus image.png Righteous image.png Peace

What does having Peace look like -Philippians 4:4-7 Rejoicing

Conform to the belief that God is in charge

"God is outside of humanity’s full experience, perception or grasp."

Peace is the absence of the undesirable and a presence of the desirable

Mental Worship
1. In which area of your life are you at peace? Where are you not at peace?
2. What habits could you develop to remind you of who God is and who you are in Him? 3. In what ways could you demonstrate peace?
4. Do you focus more on the absence of the undesirable or the presence of the desirable?