
Jesus Is the Light of the World

John 1:1-18

Light exposes us.

John 3:16-21

We cannot fix what is wrong with us until what is wrong with us is exposed.

We need to view the “exposing” of our evil deeds in light of God’s love, not condemnation.

John 3:16-18 

We won’t turn to a Savior until we realize that we need a Savior.

Light reveals God.

John 1:18 

The greatest, most amazing aspect Jesus has made known to us about God the Father is His extravagant, outrageous love for us.

Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:1a;1 John 4:10

You can’t talk about what Jesus did for us on the cross, how He made a way for us to be saved, without talking about God’s love.

Light gives life.

John 1:3-4

Psalm 8:5-6

We are God’s special creation and Jesus is our life, the light of all mankind.

John 8:12

  1. Jesus is THE light of the world, not A light of the world.

  2. There is still darkness in the world.

  3. The light that Jesus gives is the light of life.

John 8:2-11

We are all the woman caught in the act and the devil is our accuser.

Jesus offers us a way out of the darkness of sin and into a world of light.


  • exposes our sins, our weaknesses, and our need for Him, and 

  • reveals a God who loves us extravagantly and gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.


This is real love—not that we loved God,
but that He loved us and sent His Son
as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

Christmas matters.


All scriptures were read in the NIV translation today.





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