
Hope For All

John 4:27-34,John 4:39-42

It is hard to imagine how much Jesus’ teaching has impacted the western world.

Jesus has changed the world.

Jesus called people to use power and position to serve others.

Jesus called people to lay down their prejudice and love people.

Samaria was located uncomfortably between Galilee and Judea.

Jesus breaks all the boundaries.

Jesus cuts through it all. “If you knew who was talking to you, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.”

Jesus says, “Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again. But the water I give a person will make him so he is never thirsty again. What I give him will become a spring of water welling up with eternal life.”

This is the gift that Jesus offers us all.

Have you ever wondered, “How could God love me?”

The closer you get to the glory of God, the more you understand His holiness. The more you sense His presence, the more reason we have to say, “How, Jesus?”

When the Messiah comes, He will tell us all things. Jesus: “I who speaks to you am he!”

The World Changer. The Victor. The Conqueror. The Life Giver. The Light of the World.

What does this living water do?

  • Heals wounds
  • Heals the brokenness in our souls that leads to self-destructive actions
  • Frees us from leaning on our own methods to soothe our pain and memories
  • Helps us forgive and move on
  • Gives wisdom to act outside of human response and act in spiritual health
  • Allows us to sense purpose and be healthy
  • Breaks the holds of unnatural bondage, lust, fear, and personal sin nature.
  • Makes us new creatures, born again by the Spirit of God

Give me this water to drink” should be the cry of every person.

We are influenced by this water, but we need to let it bubble up within us.

There is a radical balance between, “I am unworthy, but He is worthy”. When we walk in it, we are set free.


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