Lesson 1: The Heavenly Sanctuary
57:32 | Oct. 05, 2013
Lesson 2: "Heaven" on Earth
57:33 | Oct. 12, 2013
Lesson 3: Sacrifices
57:32 | Oct. 19, 2013
Lesson 5: Atonement - Purification Offerings
57:32 | Nov. 02, 2013
Lesson 6: The Day of Atonement
57:32 | Nov. 09, 2013
Lesson 7: Christ, Our Sacrifice
58:30:00 | Nov. 16, 2013
Lesson 8: Christ, Our Priest
58:30:00 | Nov. 23, 2013
Lesson 9: The Pre-Advent Judgment
58:30:00 | Nov. 30, 2013
Lesson 10: The Eschatological Day of Atonement
58:30:00 | Dec. 07, 2013
Lesson 11: Our Prophetic Message
58:30:00 | Dec. 14, 2013
Lesson 12: The Cosmic Conflict Over God's Character
58:30:00 | Dec. 21, 2013
Lesson 13: Exhortations From the Sanctuary
58:30:00 | Dec. 28, 2013
Lesson 4: Salvation
58:30:00 | Jul. 26, 2014
| Jul. 22, 2014
| Jul. 22, 2014
| Jul. 22, 2014
| Jul. 22, 2014
| Jul. 22, 2014
| Jul. 22, 2014
| Jul. 22, 2014
| Jul. 22, 2014
Lesson 3: The Holy Spirit
58:30:00 | Jul. 19, 2014
Lesson 2: The Son
58:30:00 | Jul. 12, 2014
Lesson 1: Our Loving Heavenly Father
58:30:00 | Jul. 05, 2014
Lesson 13: Christ's Kingdom and the Law
58:30:00 | Jun. 28, 2014