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Sermon Outline


The Lord Reigns

Lesson #3 for January 20, 2024

Scriptures: Psalm 8; 75; 97; 100; Psalm 25:10; 93:1; 105:7-10; Galatians 3:26-29.

  1. This lesson will talk about: 1) God, the Creator; 2) God, the King; 3) God, the Judge; 4) The God of the covenant, and 5) The God of the law.
  2. The psalmists (many lived in the days of David, about 1000 c.) recognized that God created us and, therefore, knows what is best for us. His requirements are not restrictions on our liberty, but rather, they are protections from the dangers of committing sin. As Creator, God is also the Sovereign King of the entire universe. He rules with fairness and justice. Keeping His rules brings happiness and health. Thus, God is the Originator of every absolute in our world. He will bring every man and woman into judgment in His time, not ours, rewarding the righteous as well as punishing the wicked. It is only in observing His rules for life that we are safe and secure for eternity. God’s rules are actually protections for those who abide by them.
  3. Throughout Psalms, we see evidence that the authors believed firmly that God was our Creator. See especially Psalm 8 and Psalm 100. In Psalm 8, David recognized that God created everything in our entire universe, earth and heavens—sun, moon, and stars. And then, he wondered why God should pay any attention to us as small and insignificant as we must appear in the vastness of our universe. But then, he recognized that even the smallest birds are protected and cared for. Not even one bird falls without God knowing.
  4. On the basis of this knowledge, we can rejoice that God wants to be our Friend. (See John 15:15.)

[From the Bible study guide=BSG:] [In this lesson], we shall examine five aspects of God’s sovereignty in the Psalter. We will see that the Psalms affirm the following:

  1. The foundation of God’s sovereignty is based in the Creation. The Lord is the Maker of the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1) and humanity ( 1:26).
  2. On the basis of this Bible truth, the various psalmists proclaim that YHWH [sic] is the ruler over all the world and the nations.
  3. The sovereignty of the Lord is inseparably intertwined in His work as Judge.
  4. As Judge, God intercedes for His people because of His covenant with them.
  5. He is faithful to the rules of this treaty because the Law of His covenant is the foundation of His kingdom.—Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide*†‡§

Genesis 1:1: In the beginning, when God created the universe.—American Bible Society. (1992). The Holy Bible: The Good News Translation* (2nd ed., Genesis 1:1). New York: American Bible Society [abbreviated as Good News Bible].†‡

Genesis 1:26: Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.”—Good News Bible.*

  1. Think about “God as Creator.”

[BSG:] We cannot overlook the importance of the Creation in the teachings of the Scriptures. Isaiah uses the argument of God as Creator to annihilate the validity of a belief in idols (Isa. 40:12–31). Similarly, the psalmist uses the same reasoning to recognize YHWH [sic] as Sovereign of heaven and to reject idolatry (Ps. 115:1–8; Ps. 95:3–5, 7; Ps. 96:5). The foundation of God’s kingdom is Creation. That foundation should be the reason for our worship of Him (Ps. 100:3–5). The Creation is also the reason for the Sabbath (Gen. 2:1–3, Exod. 20:8–11), and the seventh day is a remembrance of the power of God. With this background, we better understand why the message of Revelation 14:7 states, “ ‘and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water’ ” (NKJV).—Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* 39.†‡§

  1. While other ancient nations believed that the forces of nature such as the sun and the moon and the seasons were godlike, the Bible clearly teaches us that God controls all those forces and objects. (Psalm 29, Psalm 93, and Psalm 104)

[BSG:] Creation also testifies to God’s love. Everything that exists owes its existence to God, who also sustains life (Ps. 95:7, Ps. 147:4−9) [Acts 17:25-28]. Notice that God not only granted people existence but He also made ancient Israel “His people and the sheep of His pasture” (Ps. 100:3, NKJV). The notion of “His people” and “His sheep” reveals God’s desire for a close relationship with His people.?Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Sunday, January 14.†‡§

John 15:15: “I do not call you servants any longer, because servants do not know what their master is doing. Instead, I call [all of] you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.”—Good News Bible.*†‡

[BSG:] Only the Creator has the power to bless and cause His people to increase, and thus, He is the only One worthy of their worship and trust. Numerous psalms call everything that has breath, all the earth, the sea, and everything in it to shout for joy before the Lord.?Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Sunday, January 14.

  1. Because God created us and sustains us every moment, He is also our Sovereign Lord. (See Psalm 93:1; Psalm 96:10; Psalm 97:1; and Psalm 99:1.)
  2. Because God loves every one of His children and because He also recognizes the damage that sin does to them, He “loves those who hate evil.” And He said that the righteous should be glad and rejoice because of what the Lord has done! (Psalm 97)
  3. Think about “God as King.”

[BSG:] God made the universe; therefore, it belongs to Him. Thus, He is its King. “The Lord reigns, . . . Your throne is established from of old; You are from everlasting” (Ps. 93:1, 2, NKJV).

Psalm 97 summarizes well the message of God’s kingship:

  1. God reigns (Ps. 97:1). Many psalms exalt God as King (Psalm 47, Psalm 93, Psalms 95–99).
  2. Dramatic elements such as clouds, darkness, fire, lightning, the earth, mountains, and the heavens surround God (Ps. 97:2–6). These meteorological phenomena and geological splendors portray the greatness of the King of kings, who inspires our awe and reverence.
  3. The shamefulness of idolatry is condemned in contrast to the superiority of worshiping God (Ps. 97:7).
  4. God’s children praise Him and rejoice in the righteous judgments of His government (Ps. 97:8, 9).
  5. Love for God inspires believers to “hate evil” (Ps. 97:10). The Lord preserves and delivers His people from the hand of the wicked. These reasons are grounds enough to rejoice and give thanks to Him (Ps. 97:11, 12).—Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* 40.‡§

Psalm 97:1: The LORD is king! Earth, be glad!

Rejoice, you islands of the seas!—Good News Bible.*

[BSG:] The Lord’s rule is demonstrated in His works of creation (Ps. 96:5), salvation (Ps. 98:2), and judgment (Ps. 96:10). The Lord establishes His kingship over the whole world (Ps. 47:6−9). God’s kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, unparalleled in power and majesty (Ps. 45:6; Ps. 93:1, 2; Ps. 103:19). The Lord’s reign is established on mercy, justice, and righteousness, and it brings order and stability to the created world (Ps. 98:3, Ps. 99:4). God’s reign unites both heavenly and earthly worshipers in the praise of God (Ps. 103:20–22, Psalm 148). Many psalms envision all humanity acknowledging God’s sovereign rule (Ps. 96:10, Ps. 97:1, Ps.99:1, Ps. 145:11–13).?Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Monday, January 15.‡§

Psalm 93:1-2: 1 The LORD is king.

He is clothed with majesty and strength.

The earth is set firmly in place [i.e., the law of gravity]

and cannot be moved.

2 Your throne, O LORD, has been firm from the beginning,

and you existed before time began.—Good News Bible.*†‡

  1. As a result of His creative ability and continued care for us, Psalm 148 says that all objects and all creatures in the entire universe should continuously praise the Lord.
  2. However, we recognize that not everyone accepts the sovereignty of God. The wicked do almost everything one could imagine to defy God’s rulership. They deny and mock the Lord while oppressing His people. But, God’s faithful people know that in the end God will win the great controversy. There is no doubt about that final result.
  3. It is only fools who do not recognize these truths.

Psalm 14:1: Fools say to themselves,

“There is no God.”

They are all corrupt,

and they have done terrible things;

there is no one who does what is right.—Good News Bible.*

  1. Because of their rebellion against God, the ancient Jewish people were often conquered by their neighboring nations. At times, they feared that all would be lost or destroyed, even their sacred temple and objects of worship, as Nebuchadnezzar did in 586 c. At such times, they cried out.

Psalm 74:10, 22: 10 How long, O God, will our enemies laugh at you?

Will they insult your name for ever [sic-Br]? ...

22 Rouse yourself, God, and defend your cause!

Remember that godless people laugh at you all day long.?Good News Bible.*†‡

Psalms 73:17-20: 17 Then [in the temple] I understood what will happen to the wicked.

18 You will put them in slippery places

and make them fall to destruction!

19 They are instantly destroyed;

they go down to a horrible end.

20 They are like a dream that goes away in the morning;

when you rouse yourself, O Lord [sic], they disappear.—Good News Bible.*

  1. These ideas are repeated in the New Testament, even in the words of Jesus. See Matthew 12:26-28 and 1 Corinthians 15:20-28.
  2. Do we understand the issues in the great controversy well enough to know that we should hate evil because of what it does to us?
  3. Think about “God as Judge.”

[BSG:] The Lord is Judge because He is King. In ancient Israel, the monarch rendered the verdict in trials and judicial matters (see David [2 Sam. 14:1–23]; Solomon [2 Kings 3:16–28]). Thus, the idea of a king-judge was a familiar notion to the people in those days. When they listened to the psalmists sing their melodies about the Lord as Judge, they readily grasped the concept.—Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* 40.‡?§

  1. The purpose of God’s judgment is to rid the universe of evil so that the righteous can live safely throughout eternity.
  2. In ancient times, it was common for a king to be the ultimate judge of a matter. Think of the cases which were brought to Solomon. His wisdom was demonstrated by the giving of a correct judgment. And no matter how much the wicked seem to prosper, eventually, we know what will come of their efforts.

Psalm 75:8-10: 8 The LORD holds a cup in his hand,

filled with the strong wine of his anger.

He pours it out, and all the wicked drink it;

they drink it down to the last drop.

9 But I will never stop speaking of the God of Jacob

or singing praises to him.

10 He will break the power of the wicked,

but the power of the righteous will be increased.—Good News Bible.*

  1. So, we can be assured that every person who has ever lived will be brought before the righteous judgment of God in the end and that all will be judged fairly.
  2. That idea is reflected in the third angel’s message in Revelation.

Revelation 14:10: [Whoever worships the beast and its image] will themselves drink God’s wine, the wine of his fury, which he has poured at full strength into the cup of his anger! All who do this will be tormented in fire and sulphur [sic-Br] before the holy angels and the Lamb.—Good News Bible.*

  1. God’s justice ultimately comes when He makes a final judgment of all beings just before His second coming.

Psalm 96:13: When the LORD comes to rule the earth.

He will rule the peoples of the world

with justice and fairness.—Good News Bible.*

  1. The judgment is described quite distinctly in the following two passages from the Old Testament.

Zechariah 3:1-5: 1 In another vision the LORD showed me the High Priest Joshua standing before the angel of the LORD. And there beside Joshua stood Satan, ready to bring an accusation against him. 2The angel of the LORD said to Satan, “May the LORD condemn you, Satan! May the LORD, who loves Jerusalem, condemn you. This man is like a stick snatched from the fire.”

3 Joshua was standing there, wearing filthy clothes. 4The angel said to his heavenly attendants, “Take away the filthy clothes this man is wearing.” Then he said to Joshua, “I have taken away your sin and will give you new clothes to wear.”

5 He commanded the attendants to put a clean turban on Joshua’s head. They did so, and then they put the new clothes on him while the angel of the LORD stood there.—Good News Bible.*

Daniel 7:9-10: 9 While I was looking, thrones were put in place. One who had been living for ever [sic-Br] sat down on one of the thrones. His clothes were white as snow, and his hair was like pure wool. His throne, mounted on fiery wheels, was blazing with fire, 10and a stream of fire was pouring out from it. There were many thousands of people there to serve him, and millions of people stood before him. The court began its session, and the books were opened.—Good News Bible.*

  1. We need to recognize that God’s purpose in the “investigative judgment” or pre-advent judgment is not so that He can learn something He does not already know. This judgment is for the benefit of the onlooking universe to show that they can safely live “next door” to us and that we will not be a danger to the universe.

[From the writings of Ellen G. White=EGW:] Could those whose lives have been spent in rebellion against God be suddenly transported to heaven and witness the high, the holy state of perfection that ever exists there,—every soul filled with love, every countenance beaming with joy, enrapturing music in melodious strains rising in honor of God and the Lamb, and ceaseless streams of light flowing upon the redeemed from the face of Him who sitteth upon the throne,—could those whose hearts are filled with hatred of God, of truth and holiness, mingle with the heavenly throng and join their songs of praise? Could they endure the glory of God and the Lamb? No, no; years of probation were granted them, that they might form characters for heaven; but they have never trained the mind to love purity; they have never learned the language of heaven, and now it is too late. A life of rebellion against God has unfitted them for heaven. Its purity, holiness, and peace would be torture to them; the glory of God would be a consuming fire. They would long to flee from that holy place. They would welcome destruction, that they might be hidden from the face of Him who died to redeem them. The destiny of the wicked is fixed by their own choice. Their exclusion from heaven is voluntary with themselves, and just and merciful on the part of God.—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy* 542.2-543.0.†‡

  1. God will not be responsible for the eternal torment of any individual! Even the Devil will receive his just reward. HEAVEN WOULD BE “HELL” FOR THE WICKED!

[EGW:] Satan sees that his voluntary rebellion has unfitted him for heaven. He has trained his powers to war against God; the purity, peace, and harmony of heaven would be to him supreme torture. His accusations against the mercy and justice of God are now silenced. The reproach which he has endeavored to cast upon Jehovah rests wholly upon himself. And now Satan bows down and confesses the justice of his sentence.—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy* 670.2.†‡

  1. There is absolutely no danger that anyone will be treated unfairly in God’s final judgment. The final results are seen in Romans 6:23.

Romans 6:23: For sin pays its wage—death; but God’s free gift is eternal life in union with Christ Jesus our Lord.—Good News Bible.*

  1. So, how does God’s judgment actually take place? (For a detailed description see The Great Controversy 662-678.)

[BSG:] First, God delivers His people from the wicked (Ps. 97:10, Ps. 146:9) and crowns the humble with salvation (Ps. 149:4). Second, the unrepentant wicked are destroyed forever (Ps. 97:3). Some psalms poetically describe the uselessness of human weapons against the Divine Judge (Ps. 76:3–6). The Lord is also a forgiving God, although He punishes people’s misdeeds (Ps. 99:8). God’s people, not only the wicked, shall give an account to God (Ps. 50:4, Ps. 135:14).—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Tuesday, January 16.‡§

Psalm 97:3: Fire goes in front of him

and burns up his enemies round him.—Good News Bible.* [Did David see that?]

[BSG:] The Psalms convey the same notion that is expressed in other biblical texts, that God’s judgment begins with God’s people and is extended to the whole earth (Deut. 32:36, 1 Pet. 4:17). The psalmist cries to God to judge him but relies on God’s righteousness to defend him (Ps.7:8−11; Ps. 139:23, 24).?Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Tuesday, January 16.‡§

1 Peter 4:17: The time has come for judgement to begin, and God’s own people are the first to be judged. If it starts with us, how will it end with those who do not believe the Good News from God?—Good News Bible.* [See Ezekiel 9:4-6.]

  1. Many people fear even the idea of judgment! In our system of justice, we are only called to court to be condemned if the evidence demands it. But, in the heavenly court, the righteous are rewarded before the wicked are condemned.

Psalm 67:4: May the nations be glad and sing for joy,

because you judge the peoples with justice

and guide every nation on earth.—Good News Bible.* [Compare Psalm 98:4-9.]

[BSG:] The theme of God’s judgment prompts a significant question: How can God’s people have peace with God and assurance of salvation at the time of judgment? Read Ps. 94:14, Ps. 105:7−10, Dan. 7:22….

God’s people are secure because the Lord placed His dwelling place in Zion (Ps. 76:1, 2) and established His everlasting covenant with them as His treasured possession (Ps. 94:14, Ps. 105:8–10).—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Wednesday, January 17.‡§

Psalm 103:3: He forgives all my sins

and heals all my diseases.—Good News Bible.*

[BSG:] Psalm 105 as a whole shows the Lord’s faithfulness to His covenant in Israel’s history. In everything that happened, the good and the bad, God was there. He providentially led Joseph to Egypt and through him saved His people and the nations in that area during the severe famine (Ps. 105:16–24). The Lord raised Moses to lead His people out of Egyptian slavery, which he did with signs and wonders on their behalf (Ps. 105:25–38).—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Wednesday, January 17.†‡§

  1. Think about the “God of the Covenant.”

[BSG:] Within this context, YHWH [sic] is depicted as a warrior in the Psalter. Psalm 7 is a prayer before battle in which the psalmist asks for God’s intervention in favor of His people. The psalmist also claims God’s protection and asks for the destruction of God’s enemies (Ps. 7:4–9). God is the psalmist’s defense (Ps. 7:10), evoking either the idea of a castle or a shield. God, the Divine Warrior, is portrayed as wearing a sword, a bow, and arrows: “instruments of death” (Ps. 7:12, 13, NKJV). He has prepared a trap for His enemies (Ps. 7:15).—Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* 41.‡§

  1. What was/is God’s overall plan for the children of Israel? And for us?

[BSG:] In this covenant, Israel’s primary calling is to remain faithful to the covenant by observing God’s laws (Ps. 78:5−7, Ps. 105:45). God’s people also are called to bear witness about God to other nations because the Lord wishes all nations to join His people Israel (Ps. 105:1, 2). The world is thus secure in the protective covenant of the almighty and merciful God (Ps. 89:28–34).—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Wednesday, January 17.‡§

Psalm 89:28-34: 28 “I will always keep my promise to him,

and my covenant with him will last for ever [sic-Br].

29 His dynasty will be as permanent as the sky;

a descendant of his will always be king.

30 “But if his descendants disobey my law

and do not live according to my commands,

31 if they disregard my instructions

and do not keep my commandments,

32 then I will punish them for their sins;

I will make them suffer for their wrongs.

33 But I will not stop loving David

or fail to keep my promise to him.

34 I will not break my covenant with him

or take back even one promise I made him.”—Good News Bible.*†‡

  1. So, where does that place Gentile Christians? Could we be a part of God’s overall plan?

Galatians 3:26-29: 26 It is through faith that all of you are God’s children in union with Christ Jesus. 27You were baptized into union with Christ, and now you are clothed, so to speak, with the life of Christ himself. 28So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free people, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus. 29If you belong to Christ, then you are the descendants of Abraham and will receive what God has promised.—Good News Bible.* [What happened to the Pharisaical male prayer of Paul’s youth?]

[BSG:] The Lord’s supremacy in the world as the Sovereign Creator, King, and Judge has theological implications for the reliability of His testimonies.…. God’s laws are unchangeable and indestructible.—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Thursday, January 18.‡§

  1. Is there ever any reason to doubt God’s promises?

Psalm 119:165: Those who love your law have perfect security,

and there is nothing that can make them fall.—Good News Bible.*

Psalm 1:2-3: 2 Instead, they find joy in obeying the Law of the LORD,

and they study it day and night.

3 They are like trees that grow beside a stream,

that bear fruit at the right time,

and whose leaves do not dry up.

They succeed in everything they do.—Good News Bible.*

  1. Have you ever suffered because you kept God’s law? Those days are certainly coming! The Devil will do everything that he can do to destroy or confuse God’s people.

[BSG:] This … study focuses on some key descriptions of God and His activities, which establish the world and render it firm and secure. The psalmists appeal to God, who is the Creator, King, Judge, covenantal Savior, and Lawgiver. The roles in the world that God occupies are further reflected in God’s various other names and titles, including Shepherd (Ps. 23:1, Ps. 80:1), Rock of Salvation (Ps. 95:1), and Father (Ps. 68:5, Ps. 89:26). In the world we can be secure and safe, even amid the turmoil of the great controversy, because God is sovereign and faithful in all He does and says. Although these theological themes are by no means exhaustive, they are suggestive of the various ways in which God reveals Himself in the Psalms.

As we continue to study the Psalms, it is important to remember to read the Psalms in the light of God’s character of love and grace and His plan to save and restore the world. “The more we study the divine character in the light of the cross, the more we see mercy, tenderness, and forgiveness blended with equity and justice, and the more clearly we discern innumerable evidences of a love that is infinite and a tender pity surpassing a mother’s yearning sympathy for her wayward child.”—Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ, p. 15. In the Psalms, even when the people face God’s judgment for their rebellion, they continue to call upon God because they know that God’s anger is only for a time, but His mercy is everlasting (Ps. 103:8).—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Friday, January 19.‡§

[BSG:] Why is understanding the reality and prevalence of the great controversy crucial in helping us understand that despite God’s ultimate rulership and sovereignty, there is still much turmoil and suffering in our world? Why is the great controversy motif so helpful to us?

How should the belief in God as Creator shape our understanding of ourselves and our relationship with the rest of creation? What happens when the people stray from that truth (Ps. 106:35–42)?—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Friday, January 19.†‡§

  1. What happens when we get friendly with the world and begin to adopt their ways?

Psalm 106:35-42: 35 But they [Israelites] intermarried with them [the heathen]

and adopted their pagan ways.

36 God’s people worshipped idols,

and this caused their destruction….

40 So the LORD was angry with his people;

he was disgusted with them.

41 He abandoned them to the power of the heathen,

and their enemies ruled over them.

42 They were oppressed by their enemies

and were in complete subjection to them.—Good News Bible.*†‡

[BSG:] What was wrong with the idols of the nations in biblical times (Ps. 115:4–8)? What about modern idols? Why are they just as dangerous to our walk with the Lord?—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Friday, January 19.†‡§

[EGW:] The present age is one of idolatry, as verily as was that in which Elijah lived. No outward shrine may be visible; there may be no image for the eye to rest upon; yet thousands are following after the gods of this world—after riches, fame, pleasure, and the pleasing fables that permit man to follow the inclinations of the unregenerate heart. Multitudes have a wrong conception of God and His attributes, and are as truly serving a false god as were the worshipers of Baal. Many even of those who claim to be Christians have allied themselves with influences that are unalterably opposed to God and His truth. Thus they are led to turn away from the divine and to exalt the human.—Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings* 177.1.†‡ [What god or gods of this world do you worship?]

Psalm 115:4-8: 4 Their gods are made of silver and gold,

formed by human hands….

8 May all who made them and who trust in them

become like the idols they have made.—Good News Bible.*

  1. How should God’s people live, knowing that God’s judgment begins with His people? How does God judge His people? And to what end?
  2. If we are faithfully following God’s guidance, it will lead to perfect lives and a chance to be with Him forever in the earth made new!
  3. Think about the “God of the Law.”

[BSG:] Because God is a righteous Sovereign, “He remembers His covenant forever, the word which He commanded” (Ps. 105:8, NKJV). The basis of the covenant is God’s Law. Therefore, it’s not a coincidence that one of the main themes in the book of Psalms is the commandments of the Lord (see Psalm 1). Actually, the longest psalm and chapter of the Bible, Psalm 119, is focused entirely on the Torah, or Law.

The psalmists’ view of the Law of God differs from the commonly held idea prevailing in many circles today—an idea which holds that the divine Law is a set of rigid regulations one must strictly obey or suffer harsh punishment in consequence of violating any of its precepts. Concerning the Law, David states that the testimonies of the Lord convert the soul, making wise the simple; the Law causes the heart to rejoice and enlightens the eyes (Ps. 19:7–10). How many of us can say the same for the codes and laws of our countries? In the covenant relationship, the commandments are guidelines that enlighten our understanding and enable us to enjoy a deep relationship with our Creator, King, and Judge.

The Torah involves the idea of “teaching” more than “stipulations.” That is the reason the Psalter portrays God’s statutes as priceless treasures, which are “more to be desired . . . than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb” (Ps. 19:10, NKJV). To be under God’s covenant means to enjoy a close relationship with the Godhead.—Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* 41-42.‡§

  1. How does what we have studied apply to your life and my life?

[BSG:] How fascinating to realize the degree to which the five theological themes we have studied this week are linked. This thematic series starts with, and rests on, the assertion of God as Creator. To deny this basic truth is to reject God’s right as Ruler of this world and Sovereign Judge of every human being. Thus, if God were not the Judge of all, then anyone could do whatever he or she thought best. There would not be any eternal law to obey. There wouldn’t be absolutes. Sad to say, we are inundated with this philosophy every day. Even some Christians are falling prey to its pernicious sophistry. For this reason, our lesson … is very important for our families, our youth, and the members of our church.—Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* 42.

©2023, Kenneth Hart, MD, MA, MPH. Permission is hereby granted for any noncommercial use of these materials. Free distribution of all or of a portion of this material such as to a Bible study class is encouraged. *Electronic version. Bold type is added. Brackets and content in brackets are added. ?Brackets and the content in brackets within the paragraph are in the Bible study guide or source. §Italic type is in the source. [sic-Br]=This is correct as quoted; it is the British spelling.

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