
Message Outline

“God’s Masterwork On Display In Christ Through Us”
Ephesians 2:8-9 by Marcus Mullet | Lead Elder


We are His masterwork because…

#1 God completed the work necessary for our salvation
Ephesians 2:8 “For you are saved by grace

#2 God’s work purchased the gift of our salvation
Ephesians 2:9 “…it is God’s gift…”

#3 God rejects our work to obtain salvation
Ephesians 2:8-9 “…and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift — not from works, so that no one can boast.”


My heart’s prayer & chief desire is that we would be a church full of people of true faith who can truly say“God’s Masterwork’s On Display In Christ Through Us”



God's Word