
Daily Impact

Matthew 28:18-20

A disciple is someone striving to observe what Jesus commanded

us to do.

A disciple is striving toward a life of Christlikeness.

Kindness begets kindness.

Proverbs 21:21

Kindness makes some important lists.

Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Peter 1:3-7 KJV

Kindness is supposed to be in the spiritual nature of the

follower of Christ.

2 Timothy 2:24a

Ephesians 4:29-32

Kindness impacts lives.

Kindness is not simply the matter of big things but also the daily actions of life.

The kindness of Christ saturates all of life and then spills out

wherever it goes.

Ephesians 4:32

Say these two words with me: “be kind.”

When all is good, be kind.

When eating good food, be kind.

When you are thankful, be kind.

When you are excited about the day, be kind.

When you get up in the morning, be kind.

When you are hungry, be kind.

When things are not going your way, be kind.

When you are at home, be kind.

When you are at work, be kind.

When you are disappointed, be kind.

When you are frustrated, be kind.

When you are angry, be kind.

When you are in an argument, be kind.

Kindness is an all-the-time action.

Even in conflict make sure your words are kind

Proverbs 11:17

Daily kindness changes our world.

Kindness is a daily action.

I believe there are many times the Spirit nudges us towards acts of kindness so He can change the world.

Romans 3:23-25

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