
Bible: YouVersion
Sermon Outline

The Necessity of Trials

James 1:1-12.


Pure - solid, through and through

Joy - gladness of heart

“Face” / “Meets” - not going the other way or avoidance. A path toward each other.

Trials - for the purpose of testing

Testing - purification process, refinement, proof of genuineness

Faith - belief in the truth or true reality

Perseverance (steadfastness) - bearing up under, endurance in circumstances

When Trials Come

  1. Meet them head on
  2. Ask for wisdom
  3. Understand testing is meant to form and affirm
  4. Faith will be the bedrock
  5. Consistency will be rewarded

Preparation for the Trial


Read the Bible



Church - know and be known

Mental Worship

If someone were to watch you experience a trial, would they know you are a Christian?

At the end of a trial, is your faith stronger or weaker?

Are your prayer habits preparing you for trials?

Are you known in our church so that you can lean on others and they on you?