
Sermon Outline

Philippians 2:12–16 (ESV)

If we could see spiritually into our community and into our own lives,_________________________________?

Today it seems like the viewpoint of followers of Christ is not only being ___________, but being ____________ in the harshest of terms.

We live in a time that is harsh toward ____________________.

A few thoughts:

1. This is not _______.

2. God can _______________ in the world.

The more we turn down our light to accommodate the darkness, the more the darkness will __________________________.

How do we grow brighter in the dark times?

1. _________

2. __________ in Jesus’ name

Matthew 5:14–16 (ESV)

If you want to up the wattage of your life, _____________________.

There needs to be:

1. ________________ brightness

2. __________ brightness

The natural outflow of life is seeing yourself _____________________.

See the _________________________ as a chance to up the wattage.

Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

God wants to unleash an army of people to _____________________ ____________, in the name of Jesus.

Jesus sets the _____________.

Matthew 20:25–28 (ESV)

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