

1 Kings 3:9-15

God gave Solomon a blank check:1 Kings 3:5 

We have a right to ask God for our desires.     
In a dream, God tells him you can have anything you want
We are a people of faith.
We have the right to ask God for anything according to His will and in obedience to His Word

When we know something is in God’s will we can pray with certainty.

We are called to come before the Lord seeking His will and trusting His wisdom.
Matthew 6:10

Solomon got it right in his prayer.1 Kings 3:9
Because Solomon pleased God in that prayer, God gave him a lot more. This teaches us a lesson.

Always put duty first
Solomon’s prayer was a prayer of duty. Are you praying prayers of duty or are you just praying for stuff?
You have certain duties.

  • If you are married, you have a duty to your spouse.
  • If you have children, you have duty to your children.
  • If you are growing up in a home, you have a duty to the home.
  • As a member of the church, you have a duty to the church.
  • As a Christian in this generation, you have a duty to represent Christ and do His work in our times.

This is a prayer you should be praying. 

The duties of our lives should be our highest priorities
As you pray God will direct you in what to do. 

Solomon is a cautionary tale.
The seed of his undoing was already in place by the time he had his dream in Gibeon.

1 Kings 3:1 
He was seeking peace when God had promised He would bring peace to those who follow Him.

1 Kings 2:1-3 

In his dream God had told him…1 Kings 3:1

You cannot ignore the path of God and expect things to be good

1 Kings 11:1-4
What do you love?

It doesn’t matter how much ability God gives you to fulfill your duty, if you compromise His truth that seed will grow.

Today’s compromise is tomorrow’s normal

God speaks to mankind.

Today, His Spirit speaks to us. He urges us, reveals to us, burdens us, and convicts us. 

God voice always is in alignment with God’s Word

God’s Word is the foundation of all we hear from God

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