
“Lost” Parables – Luke 15

The parables in Luke 15 are about the joy of finding lost things.

Context and Audience – Luke 15:1-2

  • 15:1 –  The attractiveness of Jesus

  • 15:2 –  The offense of the religious leaders

  • The context: Sinners being drawn to Jesus and Pharisees & scribes grumbling

  • The audience: The parables are told to the Pharisees and scribes

The Twin Parables – Luke 15:3-10

 Being “lost” in these parables means: 

  1. Wandering away from the flock

  2. Being misplaced

Vs. 3-7 – The Parable of the Lost Sheep

  • Each individual has value

  • The safety of the flock was secure and the lost was sought out

  • Those who are lost can’t find their way back on their own

  • The joy and celebration of finding what was lost has the greatest emphasis in the parable

Vs. 8-10 –  The Parable of the Lost Coin

  • Jesus making a woman a central figure is illustrative of his inclusivity vs the religious leaders’ exclusivity

  • “Light a lamp” –  Light has to be brought into dark places to find lost things.

  • “Sweep the house” –  There is work to be done and dirt to get out of the way...can you look past the exteriors of people?

  • “Search diligently” –  Don’t give up!

  • The biggest point is celebration and what God and all of heaven takes joy in... the repentance and salvation of a sinner.

The Prodigal Father – Luke 15:11-32

“Prodigal” means lavishly extravagant 


  • What similarities do you see between the first two parables and the third?

  • What differences do you notice between the first two parables and the third?

Two Ways to Be Lost

  • 1st Way: Sinful
    –  illustrated by the younger son

  • 2nd Way: Religious
    –  illustrated by the older son

Application questions 

  1. Am I drawn to Jesus and His words because that’s the only source for life and hope? Are people drawn to me because I’m seeking to model humility and acceptance as Jesus did toward me?

  2. Do I have a judgmental attitude toward “sinners”?

  3. Do I diligently seek and search out those who are lost?

  4. Do I celebrate the redemptive work of God in extravagant ways?

  5. Do I tend to abuse the love and grace of the Father like the younger son?

  6. Do I tend to rely on religious appearance and activity for my place in God’s family?

  7. What is one thing I can do this week to seek out and extravagantly love someone who is lost? Who is that person?


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