
The Responsibility of the Believer

Matthew 5:13–16
The Christian life is not to be lived hidden but out in the open before the world.

In Jesus’ great prayer for the church, He will leave behind: John 17:15–18; 1 Peter 2:9; 2 Corinthians 2:14–16

The short passage in Matthew shows us our responsibility before the world.

It lays out two strategic actions: We are to be salt and light.

Culturally, they would have most likely related to salt as a preservative.

The responsibility of the believer is to resist the rot.

Listen to how the Bible sees the world: 2 Timothy 3:12–13

We are called to slow the process, to be the salt of the earth.

Where and How?
In our places of influence and with our abilities in Christ.

Let’s lay out a few places.

  1. Family
  2. Neighborhood
  3. Workplace
  4. Friendships
  5. Culture

Our voices are to be heard.
How do we stay pure in a world going from bad to worse?2 Timothy 3:14–17

We must stay tethered to the Word.

Light is defined in these verses. Matthew 5:14-16

Jesus is the one and only light of the world.

His light is to shine through us. Jesus cannot be hidden.

The world needs to know Jesus is our Lord and our Hope.

If we don’t proclaim Jesus, there is no light of His Glory.

How does the light in us have a positive influence in the world? Let your light shine before others.

Let the world know you are a Christ follower.

So they may see your good works. We are responsible to do good works.

We are called to be the most sensitive, compassionate, involved people in society.

Being salt keeps us from being run over and giving in to the world.

Being light keeps us from being a religious annoyance.

Glory - Wisdom, Power, Beauty, Love 
The awesomeness of God is seen in the purposeful work of GodEphesians 2:10

As a follower of Christ:

Am I being the Salt of the Earth?

  1. In my life
  2. In my home
  3. In my relationship
  4. In my church
  5. In my workplace
  6. In my culture

Am I being the Light of the world?

  1. With my family
  2. With my friends
  3. With my co-workers
  4. With my church
  5. With my generation



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