
JOY: Where Does It Come From?

Psalm 16:11
Most people are on a spectrum of emotions. 

Grief <––––––––––––––––––> Lotto Winner

Two things to consider: 

  1. What is the foundation of emotional being?

  2. Where do you default to most of the time?

For most people circumstances are the foundation of their being. 

The default setting is where our emotional state is at most of the time. 

When you are otherwise healthy, your state of mind, in good and bad circumstances, rests with your view of the world

Our view of the world has been influenced by a lot of things

In Psalm 16 we see David’s worldview.

Psalm 16:1-11 
David is talking about the joy of the Lord

The joy of the Lord is the permanent fragrance of God that lives in our souls. 

What have all the great men and women of God discovered that is common?

What separates Christianity from all other faiths?

What is the foundation of joy? 

The presence of God

Abraham discovered the presence of God when he heard God’s voice saying to go to a far off country.

Jacob discovered the presence of God one night in a wrestling match.

Joseph discovered the presence of God in slavery.

Moses discovered the presence of God in a burning bush.

Joshua discovered the presence of God outside the tent while waiting on Moses.

Gideon discovered the presence of God hiding in a winepress.

Ruth found the presence of God in the life of her mother-in-law.

Samuel discovered the presence of God as a boy sleeping.

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