
Sermon Outline

1. God’s people frequently get off track. We forget who we are and Whose we are.  We lose sight of what God’s called us to do and how He’s called us to do it.

2. When God’s grace is embraced rather than rejected, failure isn’t final!

3. While God restores our souls, He isn’t obligated to restore our opportunities!

4. An accurate understanding of our spiritual condition requires an accurate understanding of idolatry.  If we can’t recognize the wrong notes in our lives, we won’t recognize the correct notes.

5. Our hearts may crave - and the world offers - things that actually intensify our spiritual hunger and create an escalating, chronic need for more of the same! (1 Peter 2:11)

6. Most of what we call addiction is, in fact, idolatry - seeking satisfaction apart from God.

7. There’s an antidote for addiction - devotion to God; the faith-based decision to dedicate our heart exclusively to Him. (Romans 12:1-2)

8. Satisfaction only unfolds when we indulge our built-in longing for God.

9. Our problem is not that we desire too much but that we desire too little! [C.S Lewis]

10. Devotion isn’t sinless perfection; it’s single allegiance.

11. The oldest idolatry is confidence in our own wisdom; the belief we know better than God.

12. The second oldest idolatry is confidence in our own power; the belief we can do better than God.

13. Every desire ultimately turns out to be a desire for God only He can satisfy. (Isaiah 55:1-2; John 4:10-14; John 6:35)



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