
Do You Really Want To Grow Up?

Spiritual growth is intensely important. Why? 

The Bible tells us that growth is God's will for your life. 

Ephesians 4:11-14  

Six Pillars of Spiritual Growth

1.  We grow when we feed on God's Word.

This book, this Bible, is your soul food.
Matthew 4:4 

Jesus says this,
"People need more than bread for their life…" 

That's what God wants you to do, to feed on it a little bit every day. We want to help you develop that habit, whether it's five, ten, or fifteen minutes a day. 

Acts 20:32
How do you do that? How do you feed on the Word of God? 

  • Hear it

  • Read it

  • Study it

  • Memorize it

  • Meditate on it

  • Apply it

Here's the action step we're going to do for 40 days. A daily time with God for 40 days.

2.  We grow when we learn in different ways.

If you want to grow, put in the time.

3.  We grow when we develop spiritual habits.

John 13:17 
You don't get God's blessing for knowing the right thing to do. You get God's blessing for doing the right thing

1 Corinthians 9:25 "All good athletes train hard and practice to get better. They do it to win a prize that won't last. But we practice to win a prize that will last forever!"

Acts 2:46-47
Two habits are a daily time alone with God, where you read the Bible a little bit and you pray, and a habit of memorizing God's Word.

Joshua 1:8 
Here's what God says is the key to prosperity and success in life.

4.  We grow when we help each other grow.

This is small groups
Romans 1:11-12 

If you want to grow you have to have other people in your life. God wired us this way. 

God wants you to learn how to loveHebrews 10:24-25 
Here's the action step. You want to grow? Join a small group.

5.  We grow when we expect to grow.

We grow when we expect to grow. I call this the faith factor. Jesus said, "According to your faith it will be done to you." 

6.  We grow when we commit to grow.

When we choose to grow. 

Covenant with others - We grow faster when we make a decision with other people and we do it in community. 

  • Make a partnership covenant with someone.

  • Take time with God every day. 


Four Primary Purposes of Prayer:

Dedication John 15:5-7  

John 15:15-16

Philippians 4:6-7,John 16:23-24,Psalm 145:19,Psalm 37:4

John 14:12-14





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