
Sermon Outline

• God’s work is only accomplished God’s way - through the leading and power of the Holy Spirit. (Zechariah 4:6)

1. We need a knowledge of God’s heart because that’s the starting point for everything God’s people do.

2. We need to know our own hearts. (Jeremiah 17:9; John 16:13-15)

3. We need to know what God wants us to do.

4. Our ministries must align with the future that awaits us.

• If we aren’t following the Spirit who knows the future, we’ll quickly find ourselves perfectly positioned to minister to a world that no longer exists in a manner that no longer matters!

5. We need to know our adversary’s battle plan. (2 Corinthians 2:11)

6. We cannot do God’s work without God’s power. (Acts 1:8)



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