

Romans 12:9-10

Who has positively influenced your life more than any other? _____________________________________________________________   

Who has had the greatest spiritual influence in your life?


Who has helped you the most in your career?


Who was a great teacher?


Did you have a coach that helped you grow? Who is that?


Who are some friends that have had a great impact on your life?


Who has been your best friend?


Is there anyone who, in a moment of trial, encouraged and helped you?


Do they know it?

Outdo one another in showing honor. Make it a goal in life to honor those who deserve honor.

Honor is a show of respect or a special favor given to a person through our words and actions to express that they are highly regarded and worthy of respect.

We owe them honor and loyalty.

Warning -Proverbs 17:13

These people or positions are locked-in for us to honor:

Honor creates a foundation of relationship that keeps a community healthy and builds people up.

Go through life overlooking wrongs and leave nothing good unsaid, and you will have healthier relationships and fewer regrets.

Honor is a relationship-building directive.

The believer honors God.

1 Timothy 1:15-17

We are to honor Him above our children. –1 Samuel 2:27-31

We are to honor Him with our actions. –Psalm 15:1-5

We are to honor Him with our first fruits. –Proverbs 3:9-10

We are to honor Him with praise. – Psalm 150

We are to honor Him as Lord. –1 Timothy 1:17

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