
Sermon Outline

1. Praise is the activity of proclaiming God’s attributes and actions.

2. God declares we’re to praise Him; it’s commanded (Psalm 113:1; Heb 13:15).

3. Our style of expression may vary, but failure to praise is sin (James 4:17).

4. God's commandments position us for blessing (Deuteronomy 28: 1,2; John 15:10).

5. God commands praise in order to teach us to value what is most valuable. Our lives aren’t positioned for blessing until they’re aligned under the supremacy of God.

6. “(We have) a resilient hunger to move beyond self, to return our energy and worth to the One from whom it’s been granted” (Brueggemann).

7. Praise is more for our benefit than God’s because we become what we worship. If we fail to praise He isn’t diminished; we are!

8. Blessing flows out of knowing God. Praise assists me in doing that by instructing my heart and mind, shaping my perspectives and ordering my priorities.

9. By commanding praise God pays us the highest compliment and offers us the greatest privilege.


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