
Sermon Outline

John 3:16

Key Points of Faith:

  • Mankind was created by God for communion with Him.
  • Man is not good by nature; we are selfish by nature.
  • Mankind needs a savior.

The Savior would be Jesus Christ, or Jesus the Anointed One.

The serious Christian orders his life around the will of God.

The church is made up of people called together in Jesus name to fulfill His purpose for their lives on this Earth.

At the core of Christianity is Jesus, and His work on the cross to reconnect us to God.

Jesus is the hope of the world.
The spirit working in us makes us new.

Two lies of the enemy that have been spread:

  1. There are many ways to heaven.
  2. There is no hell.

Key Point of Faith:

  • There is only one way to heaven and it is by faith in Jesus.

John 3:16

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