
The Apostles' Creed - Week 3

Acts 1:1-11

Jesus ascended into the heavens. You can read this in Acts 1.

So, what is Jesus up to today? Acts 1:1-2

  1. He is our intercessor. Jesus has not been removed from the affairs of humans.
  • It is fight time and He is interceding for us.
  • He gave us the authority to intercede for others.
  • Intercession is going before someone of power on someone else's behalf.
  1. Jesus will come again. The world is not done with Jesus.
  • Any claims of Christ’s return that do not alter our behavior are hypocritical.
  1. Jesus will judge the living and the dead.
  • Judgment means there are different outcomes to our lives.

The Holy Spirit has come!

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper

You are facing some battles. The Holy Spirit is here to help!

  • The Holy Spirit affirms the work of the resurrected Savior.
  • The Holy Spirit convicts and encourages us.
  • The Holy Spirit teaches us so we can overcome the sin nature and live victoriously.
  • The Holy Spirit empowers us to face trials.
  • The Holy Spirit gifts us to do the work of the kingdom.
  • The Holy Spirit will lead our prayers.
  • The Holy Spirit will go ahead of us and prepare a way.
  • The Holy Spirit will direct our path and lead us to God’s eternal will.

We learn to know the Holy Spirit in prayer and in submission to the Word.

You have an intercessor in Heaven.

You have the Holy Spirit with you today.

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