
Sermon Outline

Luke 16.1-13

What is Mammon?

Mammon comes from an Aramaic word for riches or possessions.

It carries the connotation that it is money used in worldly or unrighteous ways.

Mammon is also treated as a personification of the unrighteous aspects of money.

The spirit of mammon is the tendencies, principles, and influences of mammon that are in our world.

Mammon is something that can be served.


Is Money Evil?


1 Timothy 6.9-11

The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

Being eager for money can lead people away from God and lead to grief.


What Should I Do With My Money?

Luke 16.9

Be generous with your worldly resources.

Take unrighteous mammon and redeem it.


  • Give what belongs to God to God.
  • Use the rest for good.


Luke 16.10

If you can’t be trusted with what you have right now, don’t expect God to give you more.

Jesus is talking about more than just money.

Luke 16.11

True riches are not financial.

Matthew 6.19-20

When we use worldly wealth – mammon – for heavenly purposes, we are laying up treasures in heaven.

True riches are people.

Heaven is being populated and hell is being plundered by our giving.

Luke 16.12

Everything we have has been entrusted to us by God.

When we learn to truly look at ourselves as managers, not owners, of what God has blessed us with, we can experience freedom from the spirit of mammon.


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