

Exodus 32:1-7

At this point, Moses has been on the mountain with God for
40 days.

God has made some great promises to Israel.

The part of this story I want you to capture today has to do with the role of intercession. Intercession is someone praying for someone else.

We read God’s response in Chapter 32. The response to God’s character demands judgment. However, we also see the role of intercession.

All through scripture we see that God’s holiness must be answered. However, God’s mercy and grace are present.

The rule of the Kingdom seems to be simple: Intercession slows down the judgment of God.

Ezekiel 22:30-31

In the moment of Israel at Mt Sinai, Moses takes on the nature of Christ and stands in the gap.

Moses pleads for mercy for the sake of God’s promises.

Intercession changes the outcome.

Intercession is being offered for our weaknesses by Jesus.

Hebrews 7:25

Pray for your family.

Pray for your church.

Pray for your country.

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