
Investing in Others

Titus 1:4; 2:1-8

The Call to Invest

The world is changed when someone invests their time, resources, energy, and relationship in another.

We who are mature must build into those who are not - faith, future, and flourishing are on the line.

What do we invest in others?

Who should we invest in?

  • Those who are poor 

  • Those with potential

  • Those in your path

How do we invest?

  • Model humility Micah 6:8

  • Allow interruptions

  • Be intentional

  • Be normal

  • Be honest

  • Have a long-term view


What if I’m the one who needs investing in?

  • Put yourself in the position and presence of the person you want to learn from

What are 1 or 2 things about you (faith, character, skills, role of life) that God wants you to invest and multiply in someone?

Who is God putting in your path to invest in?

What do you need to say no to in order to be able to say yes to people?

Who do you need to put yourself in the presence of to get invested in?

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