

The Story:Judges 6:1-7:25

Two Lessons from Gideon

1. Gideon’s story is fundamentally a story of deliverance from judgement

When you have a promise from God that you are not seeing fulfilled, first look for sin.

The promise – 2 Chronicles 7:14

The context – 2 Chronicles 7:13

Even in His judgement, God’s love for us remains.

Psalm 30:5

When God brings deliverance, He gets the glory.

Isaiah 42:8

God loves His people too much to let them stay in a sinful state.

2. God is patient with our growing faith.

As a loving Father, God understands our weaknesses.

Mark 9:23-24

Hebrews 4:15-16

Psalm 103:13-14

Faith doesn’t always mean an absence of fear; it may mean obedience in spite of fear.

When your faith is weak, let God strengthen it.

Continue to grow in your faith as you see and acknowledge God’s faithfulness.

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