Rest in Christ
Rest, Relationships, and Healing
Lesson #7 for August 14, 2021
Scriptures:Genesis 42:7-24; 45:1-15; 50:15-21; Matthew 25:41-46; Luke 23:34.
1. This lesson will cover the second half of the story of Joseph. After multiple unfortunate events in his childhood and early life–being favored by his father, being betrayed by his brothers, being sold into Egyptian slavery, being falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and spending two years in prison–Joseph got an incredible break. After interpreting a dream for the Pharaoh, he was elevated to the number two position in Egypt. He was given the responsibility for preserving the excess food produced by Egypt during the seven years of plenty so they would have food to eat for the following seven years of famine.
2. He was given an Egyptian wife; they had two children, Manasseh and Ephraim. (Genesis 41:50-52) Seven years of plenteous crops had been harvested and stored for the benefit of the Egyptians and any others who might need food because of the famine. The predicted famine had arrived; two years into the famine, our story for this week begins.
3. The famine affected Palestine as well as Egypt proper. Jacob and his family ran out of food. Try to imagine a subsistence farmer and cattle herder being hit by two full years of drought and famine. What did they eat? Did God help the Egyptians save enough food to even feed neighboring countries?
4. Joseph had to deal with thousands of people coming and asking for food. They had come not only from Egypt but also from a variety of nations around, seeking help. We do not know exactly how they were lined up in the request for food. Perhaps, the Egyptians were dealt with by lesser dignitaries. But, these foreigners were brought to Joseph himself. Imagine the emotions going through Joseph’s mind when his 10 brothers showed up in front of him. If you had been Joseph, do you think you could have controlled your emotions at that point? And what would be your first emotion? Anger? Revenge? Pity? Love?
Genesis 42:7-20: 7When Joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them, but he acted as if he did not know them. He asked them harshly, “Where do you come from?”
“We have come from Canaan to buy food,” they answered.
8 Although Joseph recognized his brothers, they did not recognize him. 9He remembered the dreams he had dreamt about them and said, “You are spies; you have come to find out where our country is weak.”
10 “No, sir,” they answered. “We have come as your slaves, to buy food. 11We are all brothers. We are not spies, sir, we are honest men.”
12 Joseph said to them, “No! You have come to find out where our country is weak.”
13 They said, “We were twelve brothers in all, sir, sons of the same man in the land of Canaan. One brother is dead, and the youngest is now with our father.”
14 “It is just as I said,” Joseph answered. “You are spies. 15This is how you will be tested: I swear by the name of the king that you will never leave unless your youngest brother comes here. 16One of you must go and get him. The rest of you will be kept under guard until the truth of what you say can be tested. Otherwise, as sure as the king lives, you are spies.” 17Then he put them in prison for three days.
18 On the third day Joseph said to them, “I am a God-fearing man, and I will spare your lives on one condition. 19To prove that you are honest, one of you will stay in the prison where you have been kept; the rest of you may go and take back to your starving families the corn that you have bought. 20Then you must bring your youngest brother to me. This will prove that you have been telling the truth, and I will not put you to death.”
They agreed to this.—American Bible Society. (1992). The Holy Bible: The Good News Translation* (2nd ed.,Genesis 42:7–20). New York: American Bible Society.†
5. We do not know why this conversation extended over three days. Clearly, Joseph was thinking of ways to test his brothers. We do not know what kind of a translator Joseph used during these conversations. Almost certainly, it would have been an Egyptian who also spoke Hebrew.
6. Why do you think the brothers did not recognize Joseph? Or, his voice? It is true that he was more than twice as old as when they last saw him. He would have been shaven and dressed as an Egyptian commander. Obviously, Joseph’s questions were designed not only to challenge the brothers to see how they would respond, but also to find out as much information as he could about his family back in Canaan, especially his father.
7. Why do you think Joseph had the brothers imprisoned? The brothers had been accused of being spies. How do you think they were treated in prison? What did the brothers say to each other while they were in prison? No doubt, Joseph had power over their lives. At that point, he could have had them all killed.
8. We do not know how old Benjamin was at that time. Joseph had been 17 when he was sold into slavery. It was 22 years later at this encounter. Certainly, Joseph must have wondered what condition Benjamin was in at home. Was Benjamin being treated the same way he had been treated? Was his elderly father treating Benjamin very differently than he treated the other brothers?
9. There is no question about the fact that what the brothers did to Joseph would be considered abuse. No Christian should be involved in abuse or even tolerate abuse happening around him/her if there is anything s/he can do about it. Jesus Himself told us how He feels about those less fortunate who are neglected or abused.
Matthew 25:41-46: 41 [Jesus said:] “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Away from me, you that are under God’s curse! Away to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels! 42I was hungry but you would not feed me, thirsty but you would not give me a drink; 43I was a stranger but you would not welcome me in your homes, naked but you would not clothe me; I was sick and in prison but you would not take care of me.’
44 “Then they will answer him, ‘When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and would not help you?’ 45The King will reply, ‘I tell you, whenever you refused to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me.’ 46These, then, will be sent off to eternal punishment, but the righteous will go to eternal life.”—Good News Bible.*†‡
10. Our world is rampant with abuse of various kinds; sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, child abuse, elder abuse are happening all around us–whether we know it or not. These are not just private family affairs. As Christians, we need to do everything we possibly can to avoid and prevent abuse of any kind in our homes and in our communities.
11. Some of us may have grown up in abusive families of one kind or another. It is so easy when that happens to carry on that tradition and abuse others around us including our children. If you find yourself in that position, pray for forgiveness for those who abused you and pray for the strength and Christian grace not to inflict abuse on others.
12. Try to imagine Joseph’s thoughts over those 22 years in Egypt. At first, he must have been very bitter. Going from slavery to prison, how did he feel about his life? But, over time, especially after conditions improved for him, no doubt, he forgave his brothers. If Joseph had been inclined to perpetrate the abuse that had been inflicted upon him on others around him, we almost certainly would never have heard of him. But, having forgiven his brothers and realizing his necessity of a very close relationship with his God, Joseph had risen to the second highest position in the Egyptian government.
13. Because abuse is such a common thing, psychological studies have been done on survivors of whatever kind of tragedy might have been inflicted on them. Imagine studying the survivors of the Holocaust! These studies have demonstrated repeatedly that for those who survived, forgiveness of the abuser by the victim was a key factor to find healing and getting their life together again. Without forgiveness, we remain victims. We need to exercise forgiveness toward those who have mistreated us even more than those who have mistreated us need our forgiveness.
14. So, what do you think you would have done if you were Joseph? What would you do if your family members who had abused you were standing in front of you, asking for food for survival? Joseph was determined that, if possible, the jealousy and anger that had characterized his earlier experiences with these brothers would not be perpetuated. Of course, at that point, the brothers had no idea that Joseph understood everything they said among themselves.
15. In dealing with others around us, we need to remember two very important facts: (1) We were all created by God; we have no existence apart from God. (2) Not only did Jesus create us but also He paid the price by His own life and death for our salvation. So, we have been “doubly bought” by God.
16. And what did Joseph learn from his experiences?
Genesis 42:21-24: 22 Reuben said, “I told you not to harm the boy, but you wouldn’t listen. And now we are being paid back for his death.” 23Joseph understood what they said, but they did not know it, because they had been speaking to him through an interpreter. 24Joseph left them and began to cry. When he was able to speak again, he came back, picked out Simeon, and had him tied up in front of them.—Good News Bible.*
17. Joseph still loved his brothers in spite of what they had done to him. As he listened to their conversations among themselves, he could not avoid crying; so, he stepped out of the room. Joseph knew something that his brothers did not know; he knew that the famine would continue for five more years. They had gotten rid of Joseph, hoping that his dreams and his favoritism from their father would be out of their lives forever. But, no doubt, they had been plagued by guilty consciences and a restlessness, even a paralyzing fear of God’s retribution.
18. Did Joseph actually feel sorry for them? He was sorry enough that he cried! Finally, Joseph decided to pick out one of the brothers, keep him in prison, and let the rest of them go home, promising that they would return with their youngest brother. He chose Simeon to remain in prison. Why was that?
Joseph, listening, could not control his emotions, and he went out and wept. On his return he commanded that Simeon be bound before them and again committed to prison. In the cruel treatment of their brother, Simeon had been the instigator and chief actor, and it was for this reason that the choice fell upon him.—Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets* 225.4.†
19. We do not know how long it was before the brothers returned to Egypt. Under normal circumstances, the travel time between Egypt and Palestine on the trade routes was about two weeks. The brothers probably could have done it in even less time.
20. Do you think Joseph had any conversations with Simeon while he was being held in prison? Did he try to find out anything more about the family?
21. When the brothers returned with Benjamin, Joseph decided on a plan to try to find out if the old jealousies still existed. He invited them to a banquet where Benjamin was served five times as much food as the others.
22. When Joseph had determined that his brothers had really changed, he decided that the time had come to tell them who he was.
Genesis 45:1-15: 1Joseph was no longer able to control his feelings in front of his servants, so he ordered them all to leave the room. No one else was with him when Joseph told his brothers who he was. 2He cried with such loud sobs that the Egyptians heard it, and the news was taken to the king’s palace. 3Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?” But when his brothers heard this, they were so terrified that they could not answer. 4Then Joseph said to them, “Please come closer.” They did, and he said, “I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. 5Now do not be upset or blame yourselves because you sold me here. It was really God who sent me ahead of you to save people’s lives. 6This is only the second year of famine in the land; there will be five more years in which there will be neither ploughing nor reaping. 7God sent me ahead of you to rescue you in this amazing way and to make sure that you and your descendants survive. 8So it was not really you who sent me here, but God. He has made me the king’s highest official. I am in charge of his whole country; I am the ruler of all Egypt. [Palestine was under Egyptian rule at that time!]
9 “Now hurry back to my father and tell him that this is what his son Joseph says: ‘God has made me ruler of all Egypt; come to me without delay. 10You can live in the region of Goshen, where you can be near me—you, your children, your grandchildren, your sheep, your goats, your cattle, and everything else that you have. 11If you are in Goshen, I can take care of you. There will still be five years of famine; and I do not want you, your family, and your livestock to starve.’ ”
12 Joseph continued, “Now all of you, and you too, Benjamin, can see that I am really Joseph. 13Tell my father how powerful I am here in Egypt and tell him about everything that you have seen. Then hurry and bring him here.”
14 He threw his arms round his brother Benjamin and began to cry; Benjamin also cried as he hugged him. 15Then, still weeping, he embraced each of his brothers and kissed them. After that, his brothers began to talk with him.—Good News Bible.*† [What would they say to their father?]‡
23. What do you think of Joseph’s elaborate plan to try to find out whether or not his brothers had changed? Did that plan cause either Joseph or his brothers to think through the issues and change their attitudes?
24. Try to imagine yourself as one of the brothers when Joseph, speaking to them in Hebrew, said, “I am Joseph!” First of all, they must have been shocked. What emotion do you think came next? Was it fear? What do you think Benjamin was thinking? Suddenly, Joseph abandoned his position as an Egyptian ruler and hugged and kissed all of his brothers. What do you think was discussed as soon as they realized it was Joseph? Could the 10 brothers really believe that Joseph had forgiven them? What is forgiveness?
Forgiveness has been defined as the willingness to abandon one’s right to resentment, condemnation, and revenge toward an offender or group who acted unjustly.—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Tuesday, August 10.
25. Forgiveness does not just happen naturally. Christians believe that forgiveness should be a part of our belief system.
Dr. Marilyn Armour, a family therapist who worked with Holocaust survivors in order to find out what these survivors had done to make sense of what had happened to them, writes: “The whole idea of forgiveness is an intentional act by the victim. It’s not something that just happens.”—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Tuesday, August 10.
26. While forgiveness is a blessing from God and should be an obvious step to take if we are Christians, it does not come naturally. Forgiveness does not mean that there will be no consequences. Think of the consequences that the 10 brothers and Joseph had suffered during those 22 years. Did the brothers wonder what had happened to Joseph? When they went to Egypt, were they wondering if there was any possibility that they might run into Joseph? Did they consider the fact that since they were foreigners, there was the possibility that they could end up being slaves as well? What factors do you think must have transformed their lives from the time they sold Joseph into slavery until the time they saw him again and he revealed to them who he was? Did the relationship with God that characterized their elderly father begin to impact them? How old were they?
27. What has Jesus told us about forgiving those who wrong us, or even sin against us?
Matthew 18:21-35: 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me, how many times do I have to forgive him? Seven times?”
22 “No, not seven times,” answered Jesus, “but seventy times seven, 23because the Kingdom of heaven is like this. Once there was a king who decided to check on his servants’ accounts. 24He had just begun to do so when one of them was brought in who owed him millions of pounds. 25The servant did not have enough to pay his debt, so the king ordered him to be sold as a slave, with his wife and his children and all that he had, in order to pay the debt. 26The servant fell on his knees before the king. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay you everything!’ 27The king felt sorry for him, so he forgave him the debt and let him go.
28 “Then the man went out and met one of his fellow-servants who owed him a few pounds. He grabbed him and started choking him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he said. 29His fellow-servant fell down and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back!’ 30But he refused; instead, he had him thrown into jail until he should pay the debt. 31When the other servants saw what had happened, they were very upset and went to the king and told him everything. 32So he called the servant in. ‘You worthless slave!’ he said. ‘I forgave you the whole amount you owed me, just because you asked me to. 33You should have had mercy on your fellow-servant, just as I had mercy on you.’ 34The king was very angry, and he sent the servant to jail to be punished until he should pay back the whole amount.”
35 And Jesus concluded, “That is how my Father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.”—Good News Bible.*†
28. This passage begins with the famous statement by Jesus that we need to forgive those who sin against us 490 times!
One school of rabbinical thought taught that you should have mercy and forgive six times. After the sixth offense, justice was due. Thinking he would please the Master, Peter asked if forgiving someone up to seven times was enough. With a classic answer, Jesus said, “ ‘I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven’ ” (Matt. 18:22, NKJV). Seventy times seven is 490. What Jesus was saying is simply this: I bore long with Israel even in their apostasy and rebellion for 490 years. Peter, My mercy is limitless. My forgiveness is ever present. My love can never be exhausted.—Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* 95.†§
29. But, what do you think about the parable that Jesus told as an illustration. It is hard to imagine how someone could have gotten into so much debt to the king. On the other hand, it is hard to imagine how the king could have been so generous as to forgive him everything.
30. However, the shocking thing was how the man went out and treated his fellow servant. Jesus concluded with some frightening words: “That is how my Father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.” (Matthew 18:35, GNB*)
31. What can we learn from this story about our own behavior? Do we recognize the depths of our debt to God for the way He has forgiven us? We have sinned not only against God, but also against our fellow human beings in many ways. Can we really be forgiven for all of that? Do we recognize what an incredible thing it is that God has been so gracious toward us? Imagine Jesus, giving up His role as the Supreme Commander in heaven, coming to this earth, being willing to live as one of us, working as a humble carpenter for many years, then, carrying out that incredible ministry, and finally, dying that awful, cruel death. How much are you willing to suffer for the benefit of those who have wronged you?
32. Think of what we know about the family of Jacob before Joseph was sold into slavery. Clearly, there were jealousies, hatred, etc. Suddenly, the brothers were forgiven, and Joseph was hugging them. What emotions do you think they were going through at that point? Were they willing to accept Joseph’s forgiveness? If Joseph had taken a different approach to them and had a different attitude about them, the story would have ended very differently. InRomans 4:7-8, the apostle Paul quoted some words about forgiveness. They come fromPsalm 32:1 which David wrote after his sin with Bathsheba against Uriah.
Romans 4:7-8: 7 “Happy are those whose wrongs are forgiven,
whose sins are pardoned!
8 Happy is the person whose sins the Lord
will not keep account of!”—Good News Bible.*
33. Think about what happens as we choose to forgive. First of all, we must admit that we have been a victim in one way or another. That may be hard to do. Our first reaction might be to try to just forget it all. But, as Christians, we need to find ways to work through any unchristian feelings. Similar feelings are expressed in a number of places in the psalms.
34. No doubt, the most incredible example of forgiveness is found inLuke 23:34.
Luke 23:34: [As He hung on the cross,] Jesus said, “Forgive them, Father! They don’t know what they are doing.”—Good News Bible.*‡
35. God is forgiveness personified. He does not even wait for us to ask for forgiveness. He just forgives everyone. This does not mean that there are no consequences to our behavior. Forgiveness is not the only requirement for salvation. But, Jesus went even further in talking about how we should treat those who have mistreated us.
Luke 6:28: “Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who ill-treat you.”—Good News Bible.*
Matthew 5:44: “But now I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”—Good News Bible.*
36. Like Christian love, forgiveness only happens because of a conscious choice. We have to choose to forgive even if our emotional state is trying to push us in the other direction. We are told to pray for those who have hurt us. That would not be possible except for a Christian or Christlike background. Forgiveness is not easy. Depending upon how bad we have been treated, it may leave us devastated, hurt, crippled, even broken. But, by taking the Christian approach, healing will come. The results will be so much better than holding onto bitterness, anger, or resentment.
The Cross is the best example of what it cost God Himself to forgive us. If the Lord can go through that for us, even though He knew that so many would, nevertheless, reject Him, then we certainly can learn to forgive as well.—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Wednesday, August 11.
37. Is there someone whom you can think of that you need to forgive?
38. We come now to the “final act” in this part of Joseph’s story. His family arrived in Egypt. Everyone knows the full story of what happened. Try to imagine how Jacob felt when he learned the truth about how the brothers had treated Joseph. And now try to imagine how he felt when he saw Joseph again, even though he was dressed as an Egyptian ruler. We do not know how much contact Joseph had with his family during those 17 years up until the time when Jacob died. He had obviously arranged for them to settle in Goshen–one of the most prosperous and fertile areas in Egypt. But, Joseph was a busy man. He had a lot of work to do. We do not know what Joseph’s role was after the end of the famine. We do know that the entire nation of Egypt was in debt to Pharaoh and the government because of what Joseph had done. Likely, they were all treated as leasers, even renters, and had to pay a portion of their harvest each year to the government, i.e., taxes.
39. After Jacob died and the whole family had traveled to Palestine to bury Jacob in the family grave, the brothers returned to Egypt and felt that they needed to settle accounts with Joseph.
Genesis 50:15-21: 15 After the death of their father, Joseph’s brothers said, “What if Joseph still hates us and plans to pay us back for all the harm we did to him?” 16So they sent a message to Joseph: “Before our father died, 17he told us to ask you, ‘Please forgive the crime your brothers committed when they wronged you.’ Now please forgive us the wrong that we, the servants of your father’s God, have done.” Joseph cried when he received this message.
18 Then his brothers themselves came and bowed down before him. “Here we are before you as your slaves,” they said.
19 But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid; I can’t put myself in the place of God. 20You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good, in order to preserve the lives of many people who are alive today because of what happened. 21You have nothing to fear. I will take care of you and your children.” So he reassured them with kind words that touched their hearts.—Good News Bible.*† [SeeRomans 8:28 in a modern version.]‡
40. Were the brothers still worried that Joseph had not really forgiven them? Were they really expecting some kind of revenge? Joseph’s kind handling of all of them even after the father’s death was certainly refreshing and showed that he was a “forerunner” of Jesus Christ. Why didn’t God choose Joseph as an ancestor of Jesus rather than choosing Judah? Or, would adding Egyptian “blood” into the line of Jesus be too controversial? Judah had already added Canaanite blood to the line! As did many after him.
41. There are many interesting parallels between the story of Joseph and the story of Jesus.
As Joseph was sold to the heathen by his own brothers, so Christ was sold to His bitterest enemies by one of His disciples. Joseph was falsely accused and thrust into prison because of his virtue; so Christ was despised and rejected because His righteous, self-denying life was a rebuke to sin; and though guilty of no wrong, He was condemned upon the testimony of false witnesses. And Joseph’s patience and meekness under injustice and oppression, his ready forgiveness and noble benevolence toward his unnatural brothers, represent the Saviour’s uncomplaining endurance of the malice and abuse of wicked men, and His forgiveness, not only of His murderers, but of all who have come to Him confessing their sins and seeking pardon.—Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets* 239.4-240.0.
Nothing can justify an unforgiving spirit. He who is unmerciful toward others shows that he himself is not a partaker of God’s pardoning grace. In God’s forgiveness the heart of the erring one is drawn close to the great heart of Infinite Love. The tide of divine compassion flows into the sinner’s soul, and from him to the souls of others. The tenderness and mercy that Christ has revealed in His own precious life will be seen in those who become sharers of His grace.—Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons* 251.1.
42. Consider this from the Bible Study Guide.
Someone once said, “Not forgiving is like drinking poison while hoping that the other person will die.” What does this statement mean?—Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* for Friday, August 13.
43. We know that very difficult times are ahead for those living through the final days of this world’s history. But, we can be assured of one thing.
God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning, and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him.—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages* 224.5-225.0.†
44. So, how should we respond to what we have learned in this lesson? Does forgiving someone justify his or her behavior? Does it mean that we need to treat him/her as if it had never happened? Is that a dangerous thing to do? How does forgiving someone affect future relationships? Joseph could have been angry because of many things that happened to him. There is no hint in the biblical record that he had any such feelings. Joseph obviously made the best of whatever his circumstances were. Can we do that? It is undoubtedly true that forgiveness facilitates healing of broken relationships. Christians should forgive others because Jesus has forgiven us and because it is the right thing to do.
45. Forgiveness is really genuine when we forgive others when they do not deserve it. Isn’t that how God treats us?
46. At what point in this whole story do you think Joseph decided that his brothers’ change was genuine? Were they really sorry for what they had done to him? Had they changed?
47. The Devil certainly was hoping that this story would have ended differently than it did! The Devil must have tried very hard to convince Joseph to hate and have evil feelings toward his brothers. Did Joseph ever have any resentment against his father for favoring him?
48. Sin hurts everyone. Not only the one involved in the evil, but also others around as well. But, God is the great Healer. He has the capacity to repair all damage. If we choose to allow God to do that for us, nothing the Devil can do to us will matter.
49. Consider some real-life modern stories that parallel in some ways the story of Joseph.
Our first story is about an Adventist family active in the church and well known in the community. Their daughter left home because she thought religion was boring. To fulfill her thirst for pleasure, she partied with her boyfriend, became addicted to tobacco, drank heavily, and spent much of her time in the cities’ nightclubs. Unable to fill the emptiness inside, she finally came to her senses. She called her parents. “Mom and Dad, I want to come home.” She had embarrassed them so much. Could they accept her, forgive her, welcome her back? In the light of the Cross, they welcomed her home. Today she is growing in grace.
He was a pastor’s son but got involved in drugs as a teenager. Eventually he dropped out of school and lived a purposeless life. His parents never stopped praying for him, loving him, forgiving him, and in the light of the Cross, they welcomed him home. Today he is a pastor.—Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide* 95.
50. If we cannot learn to forgive, we will have continual conflicts in our lives. Grudges, resentment, and bitterness will turn our relationships sour.
51. Can we learn from the story of Joseph and from the story of Jesus how to be more forgiving? Could we choose, as Joseph did, to forgive? Surely, the stories of these two men are shining examples of what Christians should be like. May God help us to do so.
52. Try to think of someone you might have wronged or who has wronged you. Are you prepared to forgive them? Are you prepared to try to restore and repair that relationship?
© 2021, Kenneth Hart, MD, MA, MPH. Permission is hereby granted for any noncommercial use of these materials. Free distribution of all or of a portion of this material such as to a Bible study class is encouraged. *Electronic version. †Bold type is added. ‡Text in brackets is added. §Italic type is in the source.
Last Modified: July 20, 2021
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