
What the Holy Spirit Does Pt. 2

John 14:15-17

The Spirit will be our helper! This word means comforter, encourager, or advocate.

As we live in this fallen world, things happen, and the Spirit will be active in us to help.

This goes past the mental and into the spirit. It passes understanding.

What is the requirement? John 14:15

The requirement is to love Him and keep His commandments.

John 14:18

What else does the Spirit do?John 14:25-26

  1. The Spirit will teach you all things.
  • There are principles for our decisions that cannot be broken and still find the will of God.
  • The Bible does not say that the Spirit will lead in all things.
  1. The Spirit will remind you of all that has been said.
  • This is Spirit to spirit.

Galatians 5:22-25

The fruit of the Spirit! (not fruits)

  1. The purpose of the Spirit is to make us new creatures.
  • Are you a new creature? Let’s look personally and closely:
  • Galatians 5:22-23
  • Galatians 5:19-21

What do you have in your life? Do you have the nature of the Holy Spirit or the flesh?

  • Love wants the best for those who have hurt us.
  • Joy is shown by Paul and Silas in jail.
  • Peace comes even when the news is bad.

Are the qualities of the spirit within you natural or are you Spirit-filled?

Galatians 5:22-23

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