
Faith Sees pt. 2

Hebrews 11:13–16 (ESV)

It is impossible to please God without faith.

Faith sees the world with the desire to walk in God’s will.

The pathway to God’s “yes” many times has to pass by God’s “no.”

The man of faith puts his trust in God’s will. 
The man of faith does not pray for his will to be done but for God’s will to be done.

What this means is that we have nothing to lose.

No one can keep you from God’s will but you.

Trusting God’s will takes the sting out of what seems to be setbacks.
Setbacks are really step-forwards.
Faith says God will provide.

Faith sees the glory instead of the ruin.

It is impossible to ruin the life of the person of faith. 

Romans 8:28-30
This passage does not say “all things are good.” If we love God and are following His call He will bring glory to the life of the wounded. 

The person of faith crys out to God.

When the world is unstable the man of faith is standing on a rock.

Faith sees themselves as a servant.

Matthew 23:11-12
The servant honors the master.

This is the call of life: to honor God through our service to others. It is not a sacrifice.

Here is what people of faith have in common.

  • They see God as their provider and they show thanks for His provision.

  • They see God as their strength so they seek His presence.

  • They see God as their guide so they follow His direction.

  • They see God as their example so they serve others.

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