
Luke 5

Luke 5:1-6   

Luke did not write in chronological order.
Remember, his goal is to build certainty of faith. His stories have a purpose and reveal many great truths. 

The calling of Peter - Luke 5:8-11
This is not a story of Jesus just showing up one day. 

Obedience to Jesus, even when it doesn’t make sense, is a key to the miraculous and the revelation of God. 

Remember, if Jesus tells us to do something He will bless the labor

There are several lessons to learn in the passage:

  • This was a demonstration of Jesus’ power over all creation. He is almighty God.

  • This is a revelation of Jesus’ ability to provide.

  • This story shows the right of God to reorder our lives.  

Simon Peter knows this was not chance; this was on purpose
Up until now, Peter has been curious about Jesus. 

Simon Peter was okay with Jesus, but Jesus wanted more. So He shows Peter more.

Jesus doesn’t want our casual commitment; He wants full-blown Lordship in our lives. 

Peter knows that this was not an action of man’s power but God’s, and we see the reaction. 
Depart from me, for I am a sinful man.”

We can measure our revelation of God by our reaction to Him

The common reaction to God: 
Job 42:4-6, Isaiah 6:1-5, Romans 14:10-12

What is the right attitude towards God as we approach Him in worship and prayer? 
Hebrews 12:28-29

This is why taking time in prayer to honor the name of God is important:
As you pray, thank Him for His great works in your life and for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. As you think about this, consider His greatness in worship.

As you dwell on the miracles and promises of God in His Word, in those moments, pride flees and awe of Him is stirred. 

In the moment of awe, we hear the words so many have heard before us: “fear not.”

He doesn’t stop with “fear not;” He always goes on to say, “You were this, but from now on you are going to be this.” 

The change comes when we see Him.  
When we see Him and He calls us to change, we must turn from what has driven our life and follow Him.  

Have you seen Him for who He is? 

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