
Sermon Outline

Matthew 16:13-18

Building the kingdom is teaching people to think and feel and act like followers of Jesus.

Discipleship is part of the purpose of the Church.

Discipleship is a core value of the Church.

Calvary’s vision is for people to grow into life to the full that Jesus promises.

What is that? It is peace, security, wholeness, purpose, and self-control.

This is the vision for everyone who comes to Calvary Church.

To help us walk in those promises, we have core values.

 The Bible is our standard for faith and conduct.

Another one of our core values is generosity.

  • Generosity builds trust in God as our provider and destroys self-centeredness in our spirit.
  • Faith in generosity begins with tithing.
  • We consider it our call to help our church families in need.
  • Generosity will bring the blessing of God.
  • God loves a cheerful giver.

Evangelism is a core value of the Church.

2 Corinthians 5:18-21

To reconcile is to bring things to unity, to restore to friendship or harmony.

Our part of the job is to share our testimonies.

  • Write down the names of people that need to hear your story.
  • Write out your story for your family.
  • Invite people to church.
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