
Sermon Outline

Luke 17:20-21

Vitals are core beliefs that are essential for a healthy faith life.

The vital element we are looking at today is, “Do I want to live in the kingdom of God?”

Why is it important for us to think about biblical revelation today?

  1. Many in our culture are biblically illiterate.
  2. There are influencers that have rejected biblical revelation.
  3. Our flesh/body push us away from biblical revelation.

How we see and understand the kingdom of God is vital to our spiritual health.

A kingdom is the way of and the rules of living.

Proverbs 24:3-7

The Father has set an appointment and we won’t be late.

There are many Christians not living in the joy, peace, and victory of God. Their passions are not placed in the right places. Their lives are not biblically balanced.

The Christ follower doesn’t change to please or fit in with people.  The Christ follower lives to please God.

There are ways to live life in the kingdom of this world and in the kingdom of God that are fundamentally opposed.

This is the vital check for today: Is Jesus my Lord and am I willing to obey Him?

You can’t live to obey Him on your own.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

We are justified in an instant or born again like a bud on a plant. 

We are sanctified by the Spirit like the blooming of that bud.

Check your vitals.


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