
Sermon Outline

The Seven Churches - Sardis

February 14, 2023 | Mark Johnson

Revelation 3:1-6

There are several common ways that the Word comes to the churches.

  • The Word comes to the angel, a messenger, or pastor of the church.
  • Jesus identifies Himself to each church in a specific way for them and their needs.
  • In most cases, Jesus identifies the good, the bad, and the blessings.

Jesus says to Sardis, “You have a good reputation.”

In spite of their appearance, they are dead.

What remains alive, in compliance with God’s will, and focused on God’s purpose is about to die.

They are told to wake up, pay attention, and strengthen what remains.

“I have not found your work complete in the sight of God.” 

He only speaks in the positive to a few individuals in the church.

When Jesus identifies Himself, He said He was the one who has the seven spirits of God. This term is used throughout the Bible to identify the Holy Spirit.

At Calvary Church, we look at what is in our DNA.

There are other things we are working to get fully in our DNA.

It is the pastors’ and elders’ job to look at what our core values should be. They should celebrate what is good, protect it, and push towards what is needed to be complete.

The Church of Jesus Christ has a calling.

Completeness means it comes naturally from our hearts.

What do you think is complete in your individual life?

When a church is growing in it’s core values, and the individuals are sincerely working at aligning their lives and the life of the church, both the individuals and the church will be blessed.

Sardis was in danger. The core members had grown lax in their pursuit of God’s plan. It seems there was a lack of holiness among them.

Jesus says He has almost seen enough and if they don’t wake up, He will come like a thief in the night and take what they do have.

But, Jesus stops. He recognizes that some have kept the faith.

Some have not soiled their garments. They have not compromised their lives for the world, but have kept to the cause of Christ. They will receive:

  • a white robe of purity.
  • their names in the Book of Life.
  • recognition before the Father and the angels.

One of the common truths Jesus presents is, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Some things to consider concerning prayer, worship, evangelism, discipleship, service, generosity, faithfulness, holiness, and mission:

  • How do you as an individual see your heart in these areas?
  • Are you complete, growing, stagnant, or lost interest?
  • In the areas you are stagnant or have lost interest, what do you need to stir yourself to life?
  • In areas where your heart beats for God’s will, what would God have you do to encourage others? You can invite someone to join a Rooted group, talk with your children about generosity and giving, work with a group to serve someone in need, get to church early and enter into worship in spirit and truth.

Sardis lost sight of their calling. Let’s make sure we never lose sight of ours.

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