
Doing the Unthinkable

Pastor Mark Johnson
June 21, 2015

Acts 10:9-21

God was preparing Peter to do the unthinkable.To cross the chasm of racism and spiritual pride. To show Peter His love for all mankind.

We all come to Christ with our background in life that informs us in how to live and think and approach God. 

Then God asks us to do the unthinkable.
God usually speaks to us:
•By His Word
•By teaching and preaching.

We come to God fatally flawed!

When Peter submitted and obeyed, he became part of a seismic shift, and so will you.

What is your unthinkable?

Maybe it is worship.
God is inviting you into a new place of His presence and life.

Maybe it is giving.
You are a steward of what God gives.
It is all His.
God is inviting us to be world changers and to let his blessing flow through us.

Maybe it is prayer.
Every great move of God started with people praying.
God is calling you to world-changing power.
·You know people who need Jesus.
·You have children who need spiritual covering.
·You need direction in your choices.
•You have emotional brokenness that you would love to be free from.
•You are faced with issues that need to be changed.

If you do the unthinkable, breakthroughs are coming.

Maybe the unthinkable is to be a witness.

He calls us to be voices in the darkness.

Peter was called to do the unthinkable, and so are we.

When God called Peter to do the unthinkable remember this -God was already there.

When Peter obeyed, God moved in power.
This was as much for Peter as it was for Cornelius.

When you do the unthinkable, it is for your good.

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