
The Lord's Prayer


Matthew 6:9–13 (ESV)

In Chapter 6 there are three “When you” statements. Jesus is speaking as if there is common knowledge and common values about these three items.

  • When you do a charitable deed
  • When you pray
  • When you fast

There is not an appeal to take these actions, just an attitude that we most definitely will. So here is how you should do it.

Three instructions come to the top.

  • Don’t pray in public to get the recognition of men
  • When you pray, do it in secret
  • Don’t just pray prayers by memory or repetitions

So this is really not a prayer, but a teaching on subjects of prayer and a right attitude in prayer. 

However, we should look at these prayer subjects and make sure they are all plugged into our prayer life regularly

Remember, this is not a prayer. The instruction starts with three things that are about the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 6:9 “Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.’”

We are immediately reminded 

  • Our
  • Father 
  • Hallowed... This is first a call to always treat the name of God with utmost respect and to worship His name.

The names of God in the Bible reflect His Glory and how He relates to us

Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come,”

This part of the prayer is about the rule of God.
This is a prayer for your 

  • life,
  • home
  • places of influence
  • church, and  
  • generation


Matthew 6:10b “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” 

Why should we pray for God’s will to be done?
Why would God teach us to pray for His will to be done?
Let’s be clear: we do not pray to change God’s mind

We pray for God’s will because we do not know the way.

Matthew 6:11 “Give us this day our daily bread,”

To not take this prayer seriously is be ungrateful for what we have. This passage also speaks to all our needs

Matthew 6:12 “and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

The grace of God is big enough to cover all our sins, but we go on and blow it again

One the ways to get free from our failures is the freeing power of forgiving others

Matthew 6:13 “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

The doxology is not included in some versions, but it is in others. 

“For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen”


These deal with overcoming sin:
Jehovah-tsidkenu -- Jehovah our righteousness
Jehovah-m’kaddesh -- Jehovah who sanctifies

These deal with the presence of God in our spirits:
Jehovah-shalom -- Jehovah is peace
Jehovah-shammah -- Jehovah is there

This deals with soundness and health:
Jehovah-rophe -- Jehovah heals

This deals with success and needs:
Jehovah-jireh -- Jehovah’s provision shall be seen

These deal with security and protection:
Jehovah-nissi -- Jehovah is my banner
Jehovah-rohi -- Jehovah is my shepherd



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