
Sermon Outline

2 Peter 1:2-4

I have read that there are over 3000 promises in the Bible.

Some are promises of God for Mankind.

Some are promises of God to Man.  

He is God

  • Promises are the path.
  • Divine nature is the goal.

All promises of God to man have conditions.


Do you believe the promises of God to you? 

Psalm 20,Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 91,Isaiah 25:8, andIsaiah 40:29-31


Psalm 37:23-26

“If the LORD delights in His way,” there are two conditions

  1. He is righteous
  2. He is generous

Do you believe the Old Testament promises?


Jeremiah 29:11

Promises have conditions.

Why should we pray, especially for our leaders?

A nation, even believers, can be swept up in the sin of the leaders.


2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people who are called by my name…” then the conditions are laid out:

  • Humble themselves - put full dependence on Him
  • Pray - cry out to Him about our sin
  • Seek His face - look to know His way
  • Turn from wicked ways - live life to please Him/repent


God Promises

  • He will hear
  • He will forgive
  • He will heal


Malachi 3:7-12

The way of the Kingdom that says, “God is my provider,” runs from Genesis through Revelation.

God knows we are healthiest when we see Him as our sole source and giver of all good things.

We show our belief in God our provider by the way we pray, obey, and give.

Some people want to pick and choose the Old Testament promises they believe.

Listen to the promise:

  • He will open the windows of heaven
  • Pour out a blessing until there is no more need
  • He will rebuke the devourer
  • The nations will call you blessed
  • You will be a delight in the land

God is powerful and loving and gives us great promises when the people called by His name answer the call.



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