
Sermon Outline

Revelation 2:18-29

To Thyatria, He reminds them of how John saw Him in His glory in Heaven. John sees two points in particular:

  • He has eyes like the Flame of Fire – He sees all and He sees purely.
  • He has feet of burnished bronze – This alludes to Jesus’ ability to judge and act on His judgment.


The Good

  • Thyatira seems to be the opposite of Ephesus. Ephesus was good at holding to solid doctrine, but had grown lax in their labor for the kingdom.
  • Jesus commends Thyatria for their works of:
  • love
  • faith
  • patient endurance
  • Jesus says of them, “your later works exceed the first.”
  • What we do, how we act, and how faithful we are to the call of the kingdom of God matters.
  • Thyatria was growing in service, love, and faithfulness and Jesus noticed.

The Bad

There is something sour in Thyatira.  Jesus says, “I have this against you.”

  • You tolerate that woman Jezebel.
    • This person in Thyatira calls herself a prophetess.
    • This is believed to be an actual person who had grown in influence.
    • This person was teaching and claiming to be a voice of Christianity that could add things to their faith.

What Do We Learn?

  • False prophets don’t show up with false prophet credentials.
  • God shows His pattern. He gave her time to repent.
  • God says, “I will throw her onto a sickbed.”
  • This may be physical in some cases. However, it will certainly be spiritual.
  • When their families fall, all the churches know that something is wrong.
  • They also know that He who searches the heart and mind will act.
  • Every person will get according to their works.
  • There are some in Thyatira who were not seen as deep, but who had been stable in the Word. They had not been drawn to the foolishness of the day.
  • Jesus says, “Hold fast to what you have been doing. Be pure until I come.”
  • To the one who holds true, Jesus tells them they can be trusted with authority over nations.
    • This promise alludes to the time of the millennium.
    • They will be given in their very being the light of the Morning Star so they will know right and wrong and act in justice.


  • Have you listened to prophecies that never came true?
  • Has your labor for the kingdom increased or decreased over the years?
  • Are you growing in biblical maturity?
  • Can you be influenced by someone just because they are charismatic and show you attention?
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