
Sermon Outline

Matthew 28:18-20

We as Christians should join a local church and get to work!

Ephesians 4:11-12

What you see here is that a shepherd’s job is to train new workers.

Appointment with God assignment:
Read throughEphesians 4:13-17 and see the goal of our ministry to one another. There are at least 10 things there that are important.

When Jesus ordered the believers to make new disciples, that was a multifaceted call.

For the Church to be healthy:

  1. Praying Church
  2. Worshiping Church
  3. Serving Church
  4. Evangelistic Church
  5. Diverse Church

Two thoughts:

  1. If Calvary is your home, then get involved and do it with passion.
  2. The Church has a mission to the world.

Three steps of “going” that we learn from the first generation of missionaries:

  1. We are called to pray.
  2. We are called to go.
  3. We are called to give.
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