
Overcoming Helplessness

Exodus 12:40-41 

Impossible Circumstances: 



What happens when it seems like nothing can ever change?

  • Give up  

  • Learn to live with it

  • Suffer in the quiet of your heart

Sometimes when we are blessed God has to send a trial to get us back on track for His will.

Israel’s position was unbearable and hopeless. 
Exodus 2:23-25 

This was put in the Bible as a lesson to us.
To be people of God:

  1. We have to trust in God’s promises no matter how hopeless it seems.

  2. We have to see that the only answer is in Him

As long as we see our ability as the answer, we will not fully turn to Him. 

When we are blessed and comfortable, our tendency is to stay put.

When we become desperate and helpless, we either give up or turn to God. 

There is a lost step of faith today: persevering prayer

Israel’s circumstances kept them praying

As long as your circumstance is there, keep praying

In overwhelming circumstances, our response is a revelation of our faith

Today we need to remember our call to stand on the promises of God. 

Practical steps for an overcomer:

  1. Set an appointment with God every day to pray about that one thing. 

  2. Set a length of time and keep it. 

  3. Ask God to show you the promises of His Word about your situation.

  4. Talk to others who would care about your issue.

  5. Don’t give up until you see a change.

You are not helpless, you are called

Persevering prayer is The Game Changer.

Don’t get the impression today that one prayer is going to change the circumstances in your hopeless issue. 

Victory Point: The victory has been won, but faithfulness must be applied

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