
Acts of Wisdom - Part 2

Proverbs 16:21 

Wisdom has to do with the spirit and being of a person. 

Counsel -Proverbs 20:18

Areas where good counsel helps: _____________________  

We also get counsel from the Word and the Holy Spirit.  

Growing -Proverbs 10:8 

Proverbs 21:11 
The wise person is not defensive; he is open to instruction in life. 

The wise person follows the rules.  

Wise people are rule keepers

Savings -Proverbs 21:20  

Understanding -Proverbs 21: 22  

Two types of strongholds:

  1. The wisdom of men

  2. The strongholds of the enemy

Awareness -Proverbs 22:3 

Fairness -Proverbs 17:15

Make the right call. 
Proverbs 25:26 

Proverbs 24:19-20   

Proverbs 13:21 

Proverbs 12:3  

Proverbs 21:21 

Proverbs 21:12 

Proverbs 16:4  

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