
The Outcome

Proverbs 22:6 (ESV) Train up a child in the way he should go even when he is old he will not depart from it.

My values will grow in them like a hurricane. 

God gives us clear direction on how we should train our children and how we should live our lives.

When we ignore God and live life outside of His will, God calls it sin

It is the outcome of our spirit not being connected to God

Sin is not just some set of arbitrary rules God made up on a whim. 

Sin is against God’s plan for our lives because these actions hurt others and are a corruption of God’s nature within us

Key questions everyone needs to settle:

  1. Where did we come from? 

  2. What has gone wrong with the world?

  3. What can we do to fix it?

  4. What is my purpose while I am on this planet?

Teaching and training the core truths of life is the most important assignment we have for those we influence. 

Truths for your life:

  1. God has a dream for your life

  2. With God there is always hope.

  3. God has given you special abilities and will give you wisdom.

  4. God forgives us and calls us to forgive those who hurt us.

  5. God places us in a family where we find belonging


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