

Acts 16:6-10

A sign from God seems like a good thing.

The Bible says God opened Lydia’s heart to respond to God’s message.

This is how we pray for the lost!

For Paul and Silas, where was the blessing of God when He has directed their steps?

What is the attitude of the follower of God in times of adversity and loss?

It is easy to wonder where God is and why He has allowed this.

In the midnight hours of our life, we can feel abandoned.

In this story, we learn a lesson about following. In the darkest hours, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God.

Read Philippians this week with the backstory of how this church was started.

Romans 8:28

Faith under trial is the spirit of the follower.

In times of trial, the follower of Christ moves toward God in prayer and worship.

In the midnight hour, Christians and the Church should be found praying and worshiping God.

As the slave girl proclaimed in the light, we are still servants of the Most High God in the dark.

In dark times:

  • worship Him for who He is,
  • worship Him for His promises,
  • worship Him before you see Him move,
  • worship Him before the world,
  • worship Him in front of the jailer,
  • worship Him when the wounds are fresh,
  • worship Him in the times of darkness,
  • worship Him in faith, and
  • worship Him with thankfulness.

Followers worship Him at all times.

When you worship Him, He will be with you for He inhabits the praises of His people.

Remember, when God comes anything can happen!

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