
Week 3 High Priest

Exodus 28:1-5

That God’s love is unbridled is the lie of the day.
The most elementary understanding of the Bible calls man to live an accountable life before God.
God’s love was in place, checked by God’s holiness.

The Tabernacle had the Outer Court. To go any farther, there has to be an answer to our rebellion (sin).

Next was the Holy Place – The priests could go there with a sacrifice.

Holy means separate.

Then, the Holy of Holies – The High Priest could enter but once a year on the Day of Atonement, a day to remember the price of sin: judgement, and wrath

After the sacrifice of the bull for family sins he would return to the door of the tabernacle.

Two goats were brought to the High Priest and they cast lots.

  1. The Lord’s goat was sacrificed on the bronze altar, representing the means of atonement.
  1. The scapegoat was released in the wilderness, representing the results of atonement.

Hebrews 4:14-18

The need is clear: We have fallen short of His glory and His wrath is our final end.

The plan is clear: The innocent blood of Jesus given for our guilt.

The victory is clear: Freedom for the eternal judgement of rebellion and the grip of sin today.

Jesus the great High Priest and Perfect Sacrifice.

Hebrews 1:1-4

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