
Jesus, The Restorer

Luke 1:26–38 (ESV)

The magnitude of the moment cannot be overstated.

What does Jesus, Immanuel, “God with us” practically mean in our lives?

What does it matter to us if Jesus is God?

Here is what it means when we discover Jesus, the Son of God:

1. He heals us.

  • No matter how messed up life has become, ask, and living water is yours.

2. He restores us to the world.

  • Jesus, the Son of God, fills our lives with purpose.

3. He restores us to God.

You will have living water.

Jesus is talking about living water that springs up to eternal life.

Once you have tasted living water, you know there is nothing as satisfying.

This what Jesus being the Son of God means to us: living water.


  1. Take time this week to simply seek the presence of God.
  2. Tell Him what He means to you.
  3. Ask Him to fill you



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