
Revealing His Glory September

Psalm 19:1-5

Hebrews 11:3
The Bible declares that all of creation that we see is the work of one divine creator

The glory of God is a picture of His wisdom, power, and His creativity

There is no corner of the earth where the work of God fails to point to God’s glory. 

In many ways we show the glory of God through our body, however, what about our nature?

Romans 3:23 ESV - Not only have we sinned, sin is living life our way instead of God’s way.

How do we begin to reveal the glory of God?

2 Corinthians 3:18 
What Paul is talking about here is not a shining of our bodies but a shining of our nature

In Psalm 19 David begins to talk about the revelation of God through His Word. 

Psalm 19:7-14 
The dead soul begins to sense God

The Word gives us new insight into how to act.

The Word gives us hope in all times, good and bad.

The Word rewires our minds to think without corruption.

The Word of God is of great value to our lives, and obedience brings the reward of God.

We can’t see our own faults; we need the Word.

Here is a pathway for your nature to begin to reflect and reveal the glory of God. 

Nine ways to reveal the glory of God.
– Ephesians 4:20-32

  1. Don’t lie

  2. Don’t go too far when you are angry

  3. Don’t stay angry

  4. Don’t steal

  5. Work hard

  6. Share with those in need

  7. Watch your mouth!

  8. Be kind 

  9. Forgive others

Joshua 9:14-15 
If we are going to show the glory of God, we need to seek the counsel of God through the Word and prayer.

Our Spirit is supposed to rule our lives, but it has to be healthy. 

What gives power to your spirit?

The spirit of man is supposed to be powered by the Spirit of God. 
The Word of God feeds us and the Spirit of God fuels us

When we do obey the Word and are empowered by the Spirit, we begin to reveal the glory of God. 

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