

Luke 1:26-38  

Who was the mother of Jesus?  Mary
Luke 1:41-45

What lessons can we learn about God and mankind?
Mary was favored by God. - Luke 1:46-50 

Many times when God puts His hand on you, in the present there is rejection.

Lesson 1 - God does have favorites.

Lesson 2 - God’s calling is not without trouble

Can anyone have the favor of God? 
Yes, but it comes from living by God’s expectations

What was so special about Mary?

Scripture does not give us a lot of information, but we can see something in this story if we want to live in the favor of God

What is going to happen to her?
The Holy Spirit is going to hover over her and life is going to be birthed where there was no natural life.

God can bring life where there is no natural life.       

The move of God comes with the prayers and needs of mankind. 

God goes where there is barrenness and brings life

Mankind needed a savior and God had a servant.

Lesson 3 - God has a work for all His people to do. 

Lesson 4 - What seems impossible to man is possible with God. 

What can we see in Mary?
Mary reveals the attitude of the favored.

What did she say?
Luke 1:38 

Do you trust the message of God?

When you are fully surrendered to God’s will, the Holy Spirit can move through you and bring life to barrenness

Mary didn’t come to the favor of God the day of the calling.
Mary had the favor of God because she was already a servant of God. 

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