
Sermon Outline

Acts 1:1-9

Following the resurrection, the disciples still had no concept of the coming church age.

They didn’t understand the scope of taking the gospel to the entire world, or how long it would take.

Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus presents two aspects of how to make disciples:
1. Baptizing them – Conversion
2. Teaching them – Equipping

First, we make a decision to follow Christ.
Then, we make a public statement through baptism.

We are not saved because we are baptized; we are baptized because we are saved.

A witness tells what he or she knows.

You need more than your witness alone; you need the power of the Holy Spirit.

Making a decision to follow Christ is a single, discrete event.

Learning to obey His commands is a lifelong process.

All Christians are disciples.
“People need to become Christians and people need to be taught how to think and feel and act as a Christian.” – John Piper

Just because we become a Christian doesn’t mean we know how to be a Christian.

Our purpose is this:
We are called to help all people become mature followers of Christ.

Our very culture has to be about doing this.

Know – We must call those who are not yet followers of Christ to salvation.

Grow – We must provide opportunities for teaching and equipping Christians.

Nobody graduates; nobody ages out.

Go – We must provide opportunities for, and release Christians to works of service.

Ephesians 4:11-16

There’s still more to the story, and we are still writing it today.

Let’s ask ourselves:

Am I committed to seeing Jesus’ final instructions on earth fulfilled?

• What am I doing personally to fulfill Jesus’ great commission?

• Am I truly being a Spirit-empowered witness for Him?


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