

Luke 2:8-14

The angels showed themselves to the shepherds that wonderful night to announce that God the Almighty had sent a gift for all

the world.

Man’s relationship with God was changing because of this gift

from God.

We have been celebrating Advent, the four key life changing realities that Jesus brought to the world.


  • Hope for us all is based on His life, His victory, and His Word.
  • We know this hope when Jesus is alive in us.

The next three words are all fruits of the Spirit.

They all go past the natural into the spiritual.


  • Jesus is the perfect example of love.
  • He gave Himself for our salvation.


  • The joy of the Lord is an inner presence that strengthens us and centers our lives in the promises of Jesus.
  • To have joy you must know Him, study Him, and invite Him into your life.


  • In the Kingdom of God, troubles are not denied.
  • We are simply taught how to deal with them.

Philippians 4:4-7

  • The peace of God is not based on what we understand, but on Jesus, the Lord of all.
  • This is an action step.
  • This is an acknowledgement.
  • Jesus the Lord is at hand. Talk to Him. Keep talking until peace that you don’t understand is present.

Developing the Christian nature is a growth process.

Key question is, how does Jesus teach me to see?

Prayer will always be a key to experiencing the nature of God in your life.


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