
Sermon Outline

Revelation 4:1-6

John's book was given to him by Jesus.

The book of Revelation is aimed at strengthening all believers in the Church Age and helping them endure hardship and rejection.

This book gives us insight into the unseen world.

Chapter four begins with the words, "after this."

John was given the revelation into the cosmic battle in the Church Age that has been going on since the earliest days of the Church.

The understanding in chapter 4 is that we are leaving the Church Age and moving into the end times just before Christ's second coming.

In this moment, heaven is opened to John. He hears a voice like a trumpet.
He will see what "must take place after this." After what? After the Church Age. John, in the spirit, is in the throne room of God.
John describes the indescribable. There are twenty-four Elders and four living creatures around the throne who are singing.
In their song, they identify three things that make God worthy of our thanks and worship.
1. God is holy, holy, holy.
2. God is almighty.
3. God is eternal.

The Elders' song is inRevelation 4:11.
Revelation is a picture of the throne room.
" It is a picture of the glory of God.
" These passages show the moments just before the judgement of God is going to unfold on a rebellious world.
" God is shown on His throne as the rightful ruler of all creation.
" He is proclaimed as holy in His fullness.
" He is recognized as the Great Creator through whom all we know owes its existence.
Creation gives glory to God by doing what it was created to do.
When we live our lives in love for others, in service to others, using our gifts for others, and in honor of God our creator, we glorify Him and honor Him.

Worship is the right response to our Creator.

Psalm 95:6-7a

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